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(1) The third son of Jacob by Leah. The origin of the name is found in Leah's words (Genesis 29:34), "This time will my husband be joined (Hebrew yillaveh) unto me." He is mentioned as taking a prominent part in avenging his sister Dinah (Genesis 34:25-31). He and his three sons went down with Jacob (Genesis 46:11) into Egypt, where he died at the age of one hundred and thirty-seven years (Exodus 6:16).

(2) The father of Matthat, and son of Simeon, of the ancestors of Christ (Luke 3:29).

(3) Luke 3:24.

(4) One of the apostles, the son of Alphaeus (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27,29), called also Matthew (Matthew 9:9).

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