Børre Knudsen

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Børre Arnold Knudsen


Børre Arnold Knudsen is a Norwegian theologian. He was born in 1937 in Vennesla, Norway. He is known for his anti-abortion activity. He was ordained as a priest 1967 (Bergen Cathedral) and served in Northern Norway from 1967 to 1983, mostly in Balsfjord, Troms within the Norwegian (Lutheran) State Church. In 1979 he laid down the state part of his office in protest against a new law allowing freely available abortion. In 1983, The Norwegian High Court ruled that the state part of the church office could not be separated from the ecclesial or spiritual part of it and so he finally quit his office as a rector which he had maintained without state stipends since 1979. Since that time he has since then worked as an independent pastor, lecturer and defender of the Lutheran confession. In 1997 he was elected and consecrated bishop for a continuing Lutheran group called The Church of Norway in Exile.

Knudsen has written some well known hymn poetry, and a number of his sermons have been printed in books. His hymns point to the Calchedonian christology, and to a high interpretation of the sacraments. His hymns are mainly edited Det Hellige Bryllup (Oslo 1976), Sangverk for Den Norske kirke (Oslo 1980) and may be found in the Norwegian 1998 Roman Catholic Hymn book as well as in other collections.



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