Ezekiel 26 - Versions
Ezekiel 26 Text (WEB)
- It happened in the eleventh year, in the first [day] of the month, that the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
- Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken: the gate of the peoples; she is turned to me; I shall be replenished, now that she is laid waste:
- therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh, Behold, I am against you, Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against you, as the sea causes its waves to come up.
- They shall destroy the walls of Tyre, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her a bare rock.
- She shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea; for I have spoken it, says the Lord Yahweh; and she shall become a spoil to the nations.
- Her daughters who are in the field shall be slain with the sword: and they shall know that I am Yahweh.
- For thus says the Lord Yahweh: Behold, I will bring on Tyre Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and a company, and many people.
- He shall kill your daughters in the field with the sword; and he shall make forts against you, and cast up a mound against you, and raise up the buckler against you.
- He shall set his battering engines against your walls, and with his axes he shall break down your towers.
- By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover you: your walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wagons, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as men enter into a city in which is made a breach.
- With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all your streets; he shall kill your people with the sword; and the pillars of your strength shall go down to the ground.
- They shall make a spoil of your riches, and make a prey of your merchandise; and they shall break down your walls, and destroy your pleasant houses; and they shall lay your stones and your timber and your dust in the midst of the waters.
- I will cause the noise of your songs to cease; and the sound of your harps shall be no more heard.
- I will make you a bare rock; you shall be a place for the spreading of nets; you shall be built no more: for I Yahweh have spoken it, says the Lord Yahweh.
- Thus says the Lord Yahweh to Tyre: shall not the islands shake at the sound of your fall, when the wounded groan, when the slaughter is made in the midst of you?
- Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay aside their robes, and strip off their embroidered garments: they shall clothe themselves with trembling; they shall sit on the ground, and shall tremble every moment, and be astonished at you.
- They shall take up a lamentation over you, and tell you, How you are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, who was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who lived there!
- Now shall the islands tremble in the day of your fall; yes, the islands that are in the sea shall be dismayed at your departure.
- For thus says the Lord Yahweh: When I shall make you a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep on you, and the great waters shall cover you;
- then will I bring you down with those who descend into the pit, to the people of old time, and will make you to dwell in the lower parts of the earth, in the places that are desolate of old, with those who go down to the pit, that you be not inhabited; and I will set glory in the land of the living:
- I will make you a terror, and you shall no more have any being; though you are sought for, yet you will never be found again, says the Lord Yahweh.
Ezekiel 26 Text (Hebrew)
- ויהי בעשתי־עשרה שנה באחד לחדש היה דבר־יהוה אלי לאמר׃
- בן־אדם יען אשר־אמרה צר על־ירושלם האח נשברה דלתות העמים נסבה אלי אמלאה החרבה׃
- לכן כה אמר אדני יהוה הנני עליך צר והעליתי עליך גוים רבים כהעלות הים לגליו׃
- ושחתו חמות צר והרסו מגדליה וסחיתי עפרה ממנה ונתתי אותה לצחיח סלע׃
- משטח חרמים תהיה בתוך הים כי אני דברתי נאם אדני יהוה והיתה לבז לגוים׃
- ובנותיה אשר בשדה בחרב תהרגנה וידעו כי־אני יהוה׃ ף
- כי כה אמר אדני יהוה הנני מביא אל־צר נבוכדראצר מלך־בבל מצפון מלך מלכים בסוס וברכב ובפרשים וקהל ועם־רב׃
- בנותיך בשדה בחרב יהרג ונתן עליך דיק ושפך עליך סללה והקים עליך צנה׃
- ומחי קבלו יתן בחמותיך ומגדלתיך יתץ בחרבותיו׃
- משפעת סוסיו יכסך אבקם מקול פרש וגלגל ורכב תרעשנה חומותיך בבאו בשעריך כמבואי עיר מבקעה׃
- בפרסות סוסיו ירמס את־כל־חוצותיך עמך בחרב יהרג ומצבות עזך לארץ תרד׃
- ושללו חילך ובזזו רכלתך והרסו חומותיך ובתי חמדתך יתצו ואבניך ועציך ועפרך בתוך מים ישימו׃
- והשבתי המון שיריך וקול כנוריך לא ישמע עוד׃
- ונתתיך לצחיח סלע משטח חרמים תהיה לא תבנה עוד כי אני יהוה דברתי נאם אדני יהוה׃ ס
- כה אמר אדני יהוה לצור הלא מקול מפלתך באנק חלל בהרג הרג בתוךך ירעשו האיים׃
- וירדו מעל כסאותם כל נשיאי הים והסירו את־מעיליהם ואת־בגדי רקמתם יפשטו חרדות ילבשו על־הארץ ישבו וחרדו לרגעים ושממו עליך׃
- ונשאו עליך קינה ואמרו לך איך אבדת נושבת מימים העיר ההללה אשר היתה חזקה בים היא וישביה אשר־נתנו חתיתם לכל־יושביה׃
- עתה יחרדו האין יום מפלתך ונבהלו האיים אשר־בים מצאתך׃ ס
- כי כה אמר אדני יהוה בתתי אתך עיר נחרבת כערים אשר לא־נושבו בהעלות עליך את־תהום וכסוך המים הרבים׃
- והורדתיך את־יורדי בור אל־עם עולם והושבתיך בארץ תחתיות כחרבות מעולם את־יורדי בור למען לא תשבי ונתתי צבי בארץ חיים׃
- בלהות אתנך ואינך ותבקשי ולא־תמצאי עוד לעולם נאם אדני יהוה׃ ס
Ezekiel 26 Text (Latin)
- Et factum est in undecimo anno, prima mensis : factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens :
- Fili hominis, pro eo quod dixit Tyrus de Jerusalem : Euge, confractæ sunt portæ populorum, conversa est ad me ; implebor, deserta est :
- propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus : Ecce ego super te, Tyre, et ascendere faciam ad te gentes multas, sicut ascendit mare fluctuans.
- Et dissipabunt muros Tyri, et destruent turres ejus : et radam pulverem ejus de ea, et dabo eam in limpidissimam petram.
- Siccatio sagenarum erit in medio maris, quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus : et erit in direptionem gentibus.
- Filiæ quoque ejus, quæ sunt in agro, gladio interficientur : et scient quia ego Dominus.
- Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus : Ecce ego adducam ad Tyrum Nabuchodonosor, regem Babylonis, ab aquilone, regem regum, cum equis, et curribus, et equitibus, et cœtu, populoque magno.
- Filias tuas quæ sunt in agro, gladio interficiet : et circumdabit te munitionibus, et comportabit aggerem in gyro : et elevabit contra te clypeum.
- Et vineas, et arietes temperabit in muros tuos, et turres tuas destruet in armatura sua.
- Inundatione equorum ejus operiet te pulvis eorum : a sonitu equitum, et rotarum, et curruum, movebuntur muri tui, cum ingressus fuerit portas tuas quasi per introitum urbis dissipatæ.
- Ungulis equorum suorum conculcabit omnes plateas tuas : populum tuum gladio cædet, et statuæ tuæ nobiles in terram corruent.
- Vastabunt opes tuas, diripient negotiationes tuas, et destruent muros tuos, et domos tuas præclaras subvertent : et lapides tuos, et ligna tua, et pulverem tuum in medio aquarum ponent.
- Et quiescere faciam multitudinem canticorum tuorum : et sonitus cithararum tuarum non audietur amplius.
- Et dabo te in limpidissimam petram, siccatio sagenarum eris, nec ædificaberis ultra, quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
- Hæc dicit Dominus Deus Tyro : Numquid non a sonitu ruinæ tuæ, et gemitu interfectorum tuorum, cum occisi fuerint in medio tui, commovebuntur insulæ ?
- Et descendent de sedibus suis omnes principes maris : et auferent exuvias suas, et vestimenta sua varia abjicient, et induentur stupore : in terra sedebunt, et attoniti super repentino casu tuo admirabuntur :
- et assumentes super te lamentum, dicent tibi : Quomodo peristi, quæ habitas in mari, urbs inclyta, quæ fuisti fortis in mari cum habitatoribus tuis, quos formidabant universi ?
- Nunc stupebunt naves in die pavoris tui, et turbabuntur insulæ in mari, eo quod nullus egrediatur ex te.
- Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus : Cum dedero te urbem desolatam, sicut civitates quæ non habitantur ; et adduxero super te abyssum, et operuerint te aquæ multæ ;
- et detraxero te cum his qui descendunt in lacum ad populum sempiternum ; et collocavero te in terra novissima sicut solitudines veteres, cum his qui deducuntur in lacum, ut non habiteris : porro cum dedero gloriam in terra viventium,
- in nihilum redigam te, et non eris : et requisita non invenieris ultra in sempiternum, dicit Dominus Deus.
Ezekiel 26 Text (KJV)
- And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first day of the month, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
- Son of man, because that Tyrus hath said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the people: she is turned unto me: I shall be replenished, now she is laid waste:
- Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.
- And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.
- It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD: and it shall become a spoil to the nations.
- And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword; and they shall know that I am the LORD.
- For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people.
- He shall slay with the sword thy daughters in the field: and he shall make a fort against thee, and cast a mount against thee, and lift up the buckler against thee.
- And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers.
- By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.
- With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground.
- And they shall make a spoil of thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise: and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasant houses: and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water.
- And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard.
- And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
- Thus saith the Lord GOD to Tyrus; Shall not the isles shake at the sound of thy fall, when the wounded cry, when the slaughter is made in the midst of thee?
- Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put off their broidered garments: they shall clothe themselves with trembling; they shall sit upon the ground, and shall tremble at every moment, and be astonished at thee.
- And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
- Now shall the isles tremble in the day of thy fall; yea, the isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy departure.
- For thus saith the Lord GOD; When I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep upon thee, and great waters shall cover thee;
- When I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit, with the people of old time, and shall set thee in the low parts of the earth, in places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that thou be not inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living;
- I will make thee a terror, and thou shalt be no more: though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou never be found again, saith the Lord GOD.