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394 bytes removed, 6 January
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From the Abstract for the article in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society....
Astronomical and historical evidence suggests that the Star of Bethlehem was a comet which was visible in 5 BC, and described in ancient Chinese records. A comet uniquely fits the description in Matthew of a star which newly appeared, travelled slowly through the sky against the star background and 'stood over' Bethlehem. It is proposed that a remarkable sequence of three astronomical events stimulated the journey of the Magi: the triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the constellation Pisces in 7 BC. Such an event occurs only every 900 years. The probable astrological significance of this event to ; the Magi was that a divine king would be born in Israel. Second, in 6 BC there was a massing of the three planets MarsSaturn, Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces. Such a massing only occurs every 800 years (and very much more infrequently Mars in Pisces) 6 BC; and it would have confirmed to finally the Magi that appearance in 5 BC of the king to be born in Israel would be a mighty king. Third'star of Bethlehem', a comet appeared in 5 BC in the east initially in the constellation Capricornus.
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