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Carey Grant

4,467 bytes added, 09:41, 23 September 2015
Christian Testimony: Updated Celebrate Recovery site
Carey has always wanted to Record a Record that would capture a live feel without compromising the message which is timeless.
" I'm tired of striving to write a formulated genre of song; just so it can fit into the some current music industry mould."Just like the lyrics of The Song Reachin' 2nd verse __ "  "Sick 'n' tired of tryin' to be Perfect ___... This time I'm taken off My Mask... Steppin' out a The Shame... Gonna Dance 'n' Sing ... "  
It's a deeply personal thing to capture who I am as an artist in a natural way, at this point in My Life.
I guess itIt's about " My Belief in Godfaith, Lifetryin' to enjoy the ride through life's struggles, Day Jobsday jobs, financial pressures, Why am I here, My Mom's passing after Her battle with cancer ' " with " The Main Thing " being " The Main Thing," Say's Carey. Producer [ David Rashed, suggested that Carey, go back to His musical roots & to freely play your guitar, without controling every sound. The Approach to this CD was to make it a liberating & fun experience as well as to keep things simple & true.
This element of breathing space allowed dormant ideas to surface.
  The result was a spontaneous almost-live CD _ called, "Free To Fly". David's unobtrusive way in the studio was a great incubator for inspiration & emotion. Songs like: Can I Trust You, I Believe, Free To Fly, He's Comin' Back Now Jack, I Will Follow You, were borne almost live off the floor & were worked less than some of the other songs which were built off of favorite musical ideas."Free to Fly" is a " Relevant " guitar driven CD, that captures the many of Carey's different writing styles & was Produced by David Rashed / P.E.I. of Canadian RockBand, Haywire. David Rashed co-writing & gtrs. & [ Tommy Detamore] steel gtrs / Floresville Texas.
* "A Beggar Without His Bride" CD _- "Come Save My Soul "
* "More of You and Less of Me" CD - Produced by Domenic DiGravio /Song - He's A Rock: Paul Chapman-Gtr. "Fire "
* Paul Chapman < http paulchapmanmusic/music/songs >
* " More of You and Less fo Me" CD - Song - "Daughter"-featuring: Charlene Zehr-Bk-Vcls <>
* " Be Not Afraid Single / Prodused by David Rashed / Written by Bob Dufford /
* "Free To Fly" CD CD-Music samples CD purchases at: < >
* "I Believe" Video & recent Video release "Free To FLy": < >
* "I Will Follow You" / CD-Free To Fly -Video
* [[100 Huntley Street]]
* [[After Dark]]
* CTS [[Nite Lite Live]] Guest with Host Paul Willoughby < >
* Salt and Light TV [ ] Courtesy of Salt and Light TV / Live Concert / Broken Heart Tour /Three In One / CD More of you and Less of Me / Written by Carey Grant / Domenic Digravio / performed by Carey Grant vocals / Dominic DiGravio-Keys Vocals/ Al Richardson Bass,Tim Palsur Guitar, Randall Coryell Drums who drummed on Tom Cochrane's Victory Day & [[]] 07/2005
* Vcl _ / Brian Vollmer _ Helix
together with "Danny Brooks & The Rockin Revalators"
Carey B Grant: Videos & CD-Audio Samples & Purchases at Website:
* [http careyb.grant.5 Carey B. Grant's web siteFacebook page]
==Christian Testimony==
"More of You and Less of Me" to His
most recent release -
"Free To Fly" which is a bio-grafical Live Raw Blues / Rock Record. Some songs auto-biografical; others co- written with David Rashed.
Although life's has many weird & wonderful twists and turns;
He knows The Lord's steady, unchanging power has Helped him to Successfully Overide successfully begin to overide the Anguish & Lies of Addiction & because of that; a new sence of purpose & destiny has come into his life.
 STEPS TO PEACE PRAYER RADIO STATIONS LISTINGS FRONT PAGEChristian Based Addiction Recovery Ministry / Link also on Carey's Youtube Channel Favorites [ steps to peace herecom Celebrate Recovery].
Free To Fly's Raw Spontaneous Rock/Blues Stlye is a new intimate musical expression in Carey's career.
One of those people is Jesus.
Stay connected.
JUNE 12 2010
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I am very thankful for those pioneers of the kingdom of God, going all the way back to Abraham, who've braved the unknown and the scorn of others to press forward in their obediance to God's call and leading. We owe everything we are and everything we have to the SPIRITUAL AND NATURAL PIONEERS who've faced misunderstanding and death at almost every turn to pave the way for those of us in this day to settle and enjoy the blessings and benifits, both from spiritual and natural dimensions.
There are many pioneers still moving forward into realms yet unreached for no other reason than they heard the voice of Abba call them, and they left all to pursue Him out of Love and simple obediance. This is a lonely, misunderstood and often dangerous place to be, fraught with spiritual, mental, emotional, financial and relational pressures and warfare that we may not be aware of. I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR THOSE PIONEERS THAT ANSWERED THE CALL OF GOD TO PRESS INTO THE UNKNOWN: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. Pioneers may have failings, but they are not failures.
Ezekial 13:5 (NKJV) says, " You have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of Israel to stand in the battle on the day of the Lord."
Pioneers who have pressed on past their own comfort to embrace the Cross of Christ within inorder to prepare a way, a place and a people for His presence and His purposes, are having to deal with a great sence of failure. A LOT OF THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF RESPONCE FROM OTHERS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT'S MESSAGE and work through these pioneers. My word from The Lord, again, to those pioneers: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE !
Pioneers may have failings , but if they have obeyed and endured, they are NOT failures. Pioneers make all the mistakes because they've gone into places no-one else has gone, except for The Lord himself. Pioneers are not promised that they will not make mistakes, but just like Moses, God Promises to be with them. " Pioneers are called by God to follow Him and if they make mistakes, they can recover, learn from them adjust and press on.
As a pioneer, have You ever gone into A BOXED CANYON ? You might have thought, " WHAT HAVE I DONE ? How did I miss God ? If I were only more (fill in the blank), this would not have happened " YOU HAVE NOT FAILED. Repent for any self pity, come out of the boxed canyon and place a sign there that says, " Boxed Canyon ... don't go in there ! YOUR SEEMING FAILURE BECOMES A PATH THAT SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS AND FOLLOWERS WILL NOT HAVE TO TAKE. HAVING FAILINGS DOES NOT MAKE US A FAILURE. If we learn from them, it makes us wise, vunerable and ever more sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit.
Was Abraham a failure?
Remember Elijah, My Children!
Recently I was dealing with the very same question of appearing to be a failure because the success of the ministry seemed to be in great doubt. While out prayer walking and seeking the Lord, He asked Me a question: Was Abraham a failure ? Remember Elijah, Son! That's all He said to Me, but every failing I have experienced and every burden I'd been under was instantly lifted off of My heart. I've had many failings both personal and ministerial, but The Lord was letting Me know that I was not a failure in his eyes, because I kept moving forward in obediance to Him. Both Abraham and Elijah obeyed The Lord and launched out as pioneers into unexplored territory filled with incredible demonic activity. They simply obeyed in Love, not knowing what to expect but knowing who called them, and they were convinced He was faithful to keep them. Both men had personal struggles and failures. But in spite of their failings they were not a failure in God's sight. Both Abraham and Eiljah recieved God's stamp of approval for their obediance and faithfulness.
Like Abraham, there are many daring to tread uncharted wilderness territory where no-body has gone before. HE HAD TO LEAVE THE FAMILIAR TO ENGAGE IN GOD'S PROMISES. He had to find the Fatherhood of God, and be trained in His ways, so He, in turn, could become The " Father of Many Nations."
that the Lord had promised ( not to mention, The Salvation of The Whole Human Race through The Child of Promise JESUS CHRIST,
who would come forth.)
Abraham was not only being called to go to a land, Abba would eventually give to a covenant people, but to bring transformation to Human Fatherhood , by revealing His own Fatherhood, in type, through Abraham. Abrahm was a pioneer, not just of aland and a people, but bringing The Fatherhood of God back to The Human Race, so he could be known and experienced as Abba. Abraham had many failings but, He was not a failure !
To all those pioneers who have answered God's call to uncharted, spiritual or other territory:
You may have failed in certain ways or in certain things,
==Worth Quoting from Carey B. Grant==
We met at Faith Gospel Tabernacle. --Bernadine
* "This is a great tune and even greater performance. What I can't beleive is that the 330 people before Me didn't rate this tune. This kind of Music performance is rarely attained and I'm thrilled to have witnessed it. WOW!" Canadian Blues Artist/Song-writer: {{ Danny Brooks }}{{}} ... CD- Free To Fly ... Song ... I Believe
* " Carey's music and Message struck a chord with quite a few people, again."
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