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59 bytes added, 14:22, 28 September 2015
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[[Image:Spread of Christianity ]] is about [[God]] reaching out his hand in Europe friendship to AD 600mankind.jpg|thumb|Spread of [[ChristianityChristians]] to 325 AD (dark blue) believe that the whole world and 600 AD (light blue).everything in it was created by [[God]]<h3>'''. God is a personal being, a living God who is three, yet one: Father, Son and Spirit, just as we human beings have body, mind and soul! (see the [[Church historyTrinity]]'''</h3>).
The [[churchBible]] says God created people in his image, to love him. Yet every person has a history full of struggle rebelled against God and renewalsinned. Initially the early Christians spread the good news Yet instead of turning his back on us, God became a man, [[Jesus]] throughout , who most scholars believe was born about the Roman empire year 4 BC and small congregations of Christians sprang up in many townslived among us. [[Rome]] soon became the geographical centre of the church. In the early centuries, debates about the nature He taught a message of love throughout [[GodPalestine]] caused great debates, however the church mostly stayed unified until a major rift finally occurred between the Church in Greece but public opinion turned against him and the one in Rome (it had slowly developed over centuries) culminating in a schism in [[1054 AD]]. In the Middle Ages, people in Christian lands formed armies to "defend" the Holy Lands from Islamic control. In the mid second millenium, there he was executed as a renewal of awareness of the Bible spawning the Reformation, with Christians in northern Europe splitting from the Roman churchyoung man. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, missionary activity has spread the [[gospel]] around the world. ''(Please contribute to this article which remains a stub)''
{{rightbox | text='''He died because of us - the death that we should have died. He was crucified on a cross, but he rose from the dead, and now calls us to trust him, to love him and to repent of our rebellion. If we do this, then we our relationship with [[Archives God]] becomes restored and we will live forever with God.'''  Many non-Christians may think that being a Christian is about belonging to a particular church or following a certain set of Featured Contentrule. Most Christians however would agree that at its root, being a Christian means to be in a living relationship with [[Jesus Christ|Jesus]]}}.
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