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Latest revision as of 02:02, 12 October 2015

Sikhism is a religion founded in the Pujab region of current India and Pakistan by Guru Nanak in the 15th century. The Sikhs believe in one God called 'Sat Nam'.

The Sikhs believe in equality of all persons irrespective of their caste, colour, gender, nationality and religion equality of the sexes is emphasised. Key beliefs Sikhs believe that the 10 gurus were one with the divine being and each had divine attributes.

The first guru is Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the 10th guru is Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The tenth guru anointed the Holy Book 'Guru Granth Sahib' as the living eternal guru of the Sikhs. The Holy Book of Sikhs is treated with the utmost reverence and respect.

The Sikh way of life is based on: Nam japna—remember God's name with every breath Kirat karni—work and earn by the sweat of the brow, live a family way of life and practise truthfulness and honesty in all dealings.

Sikhs believe that reincarnation (the cycle of life– death–rebirth) is for those who do not attain attachment to God during the human life cycle.

Worldwide, there are about 25.8 million Sikhs, which makes up 0.39% of the world's population. Approximately 75% of Sikhs live in the Punjab, where they constitute about 60% of the state's population while many migrated to other countries including Canada, United States, United Kingdom, middle East, Australia, Africa and other parts of the world.

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