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1,014 bytes added, 23:05, 10 December 2023
Included a fascinating fact
The name "Christianity" comes from the [[Koine Greek|Greek]] word [[Christos]], meaning "annointed", a reference to [[Jesus]]. The word "Christian" doesn't appear in the entire Bible until the book of [[Acts of the Apostles|Acts]].
===[[Essence of Christianity]]===
[[Christianity ]] is about [[God]] reaching out his hand in friendship to mankind. Christians believe that the belief whole world and everything in it was created by God. God is a personal being, and by some mystery that a two-thousand-year-old jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh we cannot understand, he is three, yet one: [[God the Father|Father]], [[Jesus|Son]] and drink [[Holy Spirit|Spirit]] (see the [[Trinity]]). He created people in his bloodimage, telepathically tell to [[love]] him that you accept . Yet every person has rebelled against God. Yet instead of turning his back on us, God became a man, [[Jesus]], who was born about 4 BC and lived among us. He taught a message of love throughout Palestine but public opinion turned against him and he was executed as your master and kill or enslave all a young man. He died because of us - the Muslimsdeath that we should have died. He was crucified on a cross, Jewsbut he rose from the dead, Hindusand now calls us to trust him, Buddhists, Satanists, Daoiststo love him and to [[repent]] of our rebellion. If we do this, then we our relationship with God becomes restored and every other person who isnt a white anglowe will live forever with God. Many non-saxon christian and remove an evil force from your soul Christians may think that being a Christian is present in humanity because about belonging to a particular [[church]] or following a rib-woman was convinced by certain set of rule. Most Christians however would agree that at its root, being a talking snake Christian means to eat an apple off a magical tree be in a wonderlandliving relationship with [[Jesus Christ]]
Although there is only one universal Christian [[Catholic]] [[Church]], there are tens of thousands of [[Christian]] denominations or churches. These denominations have formed and divided since the time of [[Christ]], because Christians have had differences in beliefs and practices. Some of the main groups include [[Eastern Orthodoxy]], [[Roman Catholicism]] and the [[Protestant churches]] and [[Pentecostal churches]].
[[Image:Mount sinai.jpg|thumb|Sunrise at Mount Sinai in Egypt]]
===[[Christian literature, art, music and media]]===
Throughout church history, people have devoted themselves to great works of literature and art for God's glory and honour. Today, a [[:Category:Media_Workers|number of Christians]] are creating works of art in a variety of media, music and visual mediums.
====[[Christian music]]====
Since Christians have met together, they have sung to God and about God. Early Jewish Christians probably sung [[psalms]]. In later centuries, monophonic [[Gregorian chants]] were widely sung. During and following the Protestant [[Reformation]], hundreds of [[hymns]] were written by men like [[Martin Luther]] and [[Charles Wesley]]. In recent decades, [[Contemporary Christian Music]], Christian music in rock style, has become increasing increasingly popular. Today, a [[:Category:Music|number of Christians]] are creating music in a variety of genres.
====[[Christian movies]]====
Some of the most well-known movies have strong [[Christian]] themes. One of the earliest Christian movies was [[The Ten Commandments (movie)|The Ten Commandments]] by [[Cecil B. DeMill]]. In 2004, [[The Passion of the Christ]], describing the night of [[Jesus]]' death was a film that made a world-wide impact. In 2005, the movie [[The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe]] was being released based on the famous book by [[C.S. Lewis]]. Today, a [[:Category:Film|number of Christians]] are producing films in a variety of genres.
====[[Christianity and the Internet]]====
Since the beginning of the world wide web, Christians have been involved in creating websites dedicated to different aspects of [[Christianity]]. Some of the most important ones have been sites containing the [[Bible]] in different versions like [[BibleGateway]] ([]). Today, a [[:Category:Media_Workers|number of Christians]] are creating web sites, applications and social networking resources.
===[[Religious clothing and symbols]]===
===The [[Persecuted Church]], [[Mission]] and [[Places|Christianity around the world]]===
The world's 5 inhabited continents contain almost 7 more than 8 billion people. The population is increasing rapidly, and it doubled between 1960 and 2000. There are 237 independent states. 66 of these have significant restrictions on religious belief. About 3032% of the world's population call themselves [[Christian]] (2 billion people), 2021% call themselves [[Muslim]] (1.3 billion people), 15% are [[non-religious]] (1 billion) and 13% call themselves [[Hindu]]. Although [[Europe]] is rapidly becoming secular and non-religious, the majority of Christians live in areas where European settlement or missionary work has been significant. [[Asia]] is the least evangelised evangelized continent. Of Christians, there are about over 1 billion [[Roman Catholic]], 700 million [[Protestant]] and 550 million [[Eastern Orthodox]] Christians.Also see [[Christianity by country]]
''John Lennon'' - Evening Standard (London, 4 March 1966)
: [[Christianity]] will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than [[Jesus]] now; I don't know which will go first — rock and roll or Christianity.
''[[C.S. Lewis]]''

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