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Notice the use of the phrase "Communicate the Gospel". This is double speak - a watering down of the Commission originally given to the Body of Christ. True believers are not called to 'communicate' the Gospel but to Preach it. This kind of subjective rhetoric is typical of those who have embraced the non biblical Seeker Sensitive model which no more sees souls saved than it is faithful to the commands of Christ. This is a radio station of unlimited compromise and double standards - one which is financially and theologically manipulated by the Paradise Community Church in Adeliade South Australia for its own agenda. With humbled and faithful beginings 107.9 Life FM has regressed into a pantheistic people pleasing platform for Dominionist worldviews and politically correct diatribe straight out of the stink tanks of the United Nations.

Wolf Hunter

I don't know - this seems a pretty harsh analysis. I think the radio station is doing a pretty good job. For a start, it's just a radio station, and one of its main reasons to exist is to play music. I think it plays pretty good music. Secondly, it is overtly Christian, and it doesn't hide that fact. Yes, I don't agree with everything I hear, and sometimes I agree it seems to water down the message, but, at least there are people out there who are faithfully following God in trying to spread the gospel through radio, even if they do do it imperfectly. --Muser 18:55, 17 August 2007 (EST)