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Jean-Luc Marion, a French Catholic scholar, and Merold Westphal, an American Presbyterian, are proponents of Christian postmodernism, the former in, for example, the book God Without Being and the latter, for example, in the book Overcoming onto-theology.
The Emerging Church movement (which prefers to be called a "conversation") is a movement which seeks to revitalise the Christian church beyond what it sees as the confines of modernity, so that it can effectively engage with people in a postmodern age. Critics of this movement allege that its concessions to relativism and penchant for redefining theological terms have led the movement outside of the bounds of orthodoxy. Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, and Dan Kimball are prominent leaders of this movement. D. A. Carson, Millard Erickson, and Charles Colson are among the most prominent critics of the Emerging Church movement.