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Earth Quake and the Tsunami in Asia 2004

2,010 bytes removed, 13:50, 21 January 2005
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BOSTON, MASS (AMERICAN NEWS SERVICES) - A giant tsunami of AIDS hit We are deeply saddened by the east Earth Quake and west coasts of the United States simultaneously todayTsunami in Asia! The death toll appears to have exceeded 150, causing numerous casualties and uncountable human suffering000 people in 12 countries from Malaysia to Somalia. The wave impacted at 8What a horror it left to so many thousands of people who did not have the slightest clue of what is going to happen just a few days ago! Read more on this killer Tsunami [http:03//en.32 EST, when most people were preparing for their 45-minutes commutes to Earth Quake and the Tsunami in Asia 2004]
Immediate submissive and passive behavior followedWe are all moved by this tragedy, culminating in a rolling pile which might be one of the biggest ever tragedies of writhing bodies engaged the world in all forms the recent the past! Imagine the thousands of anal sex and gay fellatio. Furtherpeople that have lost their bread winner or other family members, the atmosphere around California outleast became "downright fruity," according thousands that lost everything that they had! If it happens to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegerone of our own, who quickly followed his statement with a glance at the polls andhow do we feel about it! As Christians, "But let us show that we support care and that our hearts go out to those that, of course."have lost their loved ones!
A tsunami is a rolling undersea wave created by As a massive shock or earthquakeresponsible community, and can race across the ocean floor at speeds as an expression of up to 500 miles per hour before being channeled upward by our solidarity with the slanted coastlineearthquake and tsunami victims, producing waves up let us all come together to 50 feet tall help. For those of you that are working, let us donate a day's salary for the victims of the Tsunami and help console some souls! For those that come crashing down are not working, please donate a minimum of $10.00 or more depending on helpless victimsyour finances.
"I have asked the President to declare a state of emergency and impose martial law," said New Jersey acting governor Richard J. Codey. "Federal aid alone can address this devastating event, and with any luck, they'll be wearing well-cut matching uniforms." As he said this to a press conference, a ripple of delighted sighing passed through the audience.''How should we donate?'''
AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is a disease which attacks the body's defenses against disease We will not collect directly but will provide you with reliable organizations and turns information on how to contribute to them against the body itself, much as a submissive philosophy encourages one by posting their details here. You will contibute directly to pity one's enemies and turn the other (glutteal) cheekpeople who are involved in helping. Originally called GRID, or Gay-Related Immune Disease, Some of the disease was named AIDS after gay groups objected, threatening places to donate: Here is a wiki organized list of sites accepting donations for the paychecks Indian Ocean Earth Quake and Tsunami * *Medecins Sans Frontieres *Oxfam *UNICEF *Network of doctors and researchers alikeGood *Donate to American Red Cross via Amazon *Direct Relief International *Sarvodaya
In New Jersey, the giant wave caused vast demographic shifts toward lifestyles centered around submissive sexuality, in addition I would personally contribute one day of my salary to outbreaks this cause and urge all of lisping and Village People impersonators, and you to do the City Courthouse to turn bright pinksame. We believe that "I think If you cast your bread on the waters with good hope, it's safe will one day return to say we're in a New America,you with butter on top of it!" said Codey. "The old America was boldly asserting oneself against the frontier, but the New America is being ready Let us do something that will give hope to take any good-looking cock those that comes along deep into your digestive tract."have lost everything!
Hispanic groups massed on the Mexican border and prepared to surge across into a newly-receptive AmericaOh, while boatloads of HaitiansGod, who have more experience with AIDS than any other group except young gay urban professionals, circled near help the coastline of American cities selected by The Jewish Review as "most tolerant." On boat 3417, refugee and freedom fighter Mbeko Hassan Washington Khan said, "America is about opportunity, and while the orifice is open, we people that are taking ours!" As Federal Emergency Management Association workers, dressed in bright pastels, descended upon the afflicted area with sushi, condomsaffected, lubricant comfort them and lime jell-o, lawmakers gathered in Washington, D.C., to discuss the New American outlook. "Gone are the days of manly self-assertion, domination and warfare," said Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois). "We're talking openly with the Iraq resistance about simply opening a franchise provide for our government and importing sexy men who can't grow moustaches." The disaster took an unusually high toll, said Codey, because when the wave reared up on them! May God bless the coastline, most victims took refuge in churches and leftist coffee bars, where the greatest concentration of the wave hit. "They were destroyed in exactly the places they saw as refuge," wept Codey. "I can only empathize." Reaction was mixed worldwide. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder expressed surprise. "I'm amazed it was even noticed, since Americans have been passive whiny queens bitching in front of their televisions since 1944 or so," he said. In Israel, Prime Minister and Rassenfuehrer Ariel Sharon sent his best wishes to America, saying, "Israel has always had a wonderful submissive partner in the United States." Asked if he thought the "New America" would be able to sustain its submissive lifestyle without going bankrupt, Schwarzeneger began a lengthy monologue about the need to cut funding for internal programs while not raising taxes but, after whisperings with his advisor, put on a rainbow warrior(tm) ribbon and said simply, "Yeth." On Wall Street, trader W.J. "Bruce" Willingsworth (formerly Bill "Chunk-Style" Willingsworth) looked pensively to the sky and said, "With change, comes great opportunity, and none of us in the financial community want to miss out. We're lucky it wasn't an ice age, because that would leave only the strong surviving, depriving us of passive sexual partners."families!
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