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Talk:Politics, the Church and the Government/discussion

1,060 bytes added, 07:49, 23 July 2005
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I have a personal belief that religion and politics should not mix. I believe that the use of Christian belief in politics is wrong. Religion is personal and should only be shared in a worship environment. I am interested in other peoples views?

[[User:Draig goch20]] 15:20, 24 Jun 2005 (PDT)


Why do you believe this? Your religious beliefs affect your entire life surely? If because of his religious beliefs, a politician believes, for example, that gambling is wrong, then by your logic, how should he vote if there is a bill to legalize gambling? I don't see why he shouldn't be able to follow his conscious and vote against the bill... I definitely disagree with your opinion. A politicians should be able to follow his religious beliefs in his working life. If the people don't like it, then they can vote him out of office. I believe that God calls us to live Godly lives in our personal lives as well as in our public and work lives.

[[User:Muser]] 23 July


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