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WikiChristian:Webserver upgrade

3 bytes added, 01:12, 5 September 2005
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Our website has outgrown our web server capacity and as of the 31st of August, 2005, wikichristian was utilizing 95% of the server capacity which lead to temporary problems with accessing the site. We have decided to get a dedicated webserver with lot more resources and the wikichristian website is back online. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope that the new server would be of great help in giving us the freedom, bandwidth and the capacity. Our previous webhost, was unfair to suspend the site without prior warning or request to upgrade. It has been a tremondous task to setup and get everything moved over to a new server. Our new server is a dedicated server unlike the previous one which was in shared environment. One of our users, [[User:Gk|Gk]], who is a close friend of mine, was of great help in getting things done in this painful and technically challenging process. Hopefully, we should not have to worry about outgrowing for awhile with a whole system at our disposal as a server.
--[[User:Prab|Prab]] 19:55, 4 Sep 2005 (EDT)
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