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WikiChristian talk:Community Portal

6 bytes removed, 09:54, 9 September 2005
Go ahead and start and expand an index of apologetics. It is an excellent idea. WikiChristian hopefully is a good place for it. Let me know if you need to be a sysop. [[Graham Llewellyn Grove|G.G.]]
== ==Defining WikiChristian== ==
I think it would be greatly beneficial if we (or the sysops or whoever) could create an in depth definition of WikiChristian is and what it is not. I think Wikipedia is a great example of having done this well. I come from the perspective that "all truth is God's truth," that very little exists that is inappropriate for a Christian encyclopedia. However, I don't think we want to aimlessly copy and paste from other wikis as a use of our time, yet doing so in some capacity seems very practical. Let's decide where to draw this line. I would hate for anyone to contribute in bulk and have someone decide later that those hundreds of hours should not be displayed.

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