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12,891 bytes added, 20:11, 17 May 2009
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*[ The Mercifully Brief, Real World Guide to Raising Thousands (If Not Tens of Thousands) of Dollars With Email]
*[ Fundraising When Money Is Tight: A Strategic and Practical Guide to Surviving Tough Times and Thriving in the Future]
*[ People to People Fundraising]
In addition, although I believe that today's academia often spouts a lot of nonsense due to false ideologies, I will certainly ackknowledge that there certainly still is quality work being done at universities and colleges. Accordingly, you can also use [ Google scholar] to find relevant material for a webpage's content.
==Material on Doing Research==
====Efficient and Effective Library Research====
Due to rapid advancements in information storage and retrieval, today's libraries are a grat resource when it comes to being a more knowledgeable writer and to do research more effeciently.
*[ The Elements of Library Research: What Every Student Needs to Know]
====Expanding the reach of material available to you via libraries====
If you live in a small town or medium city town but want to have access to the full range of library materials, you can do so through the two services below which in the vast majority of cases are both free:
- [ Worldcat] is a free global catalog of library collections that will help you find what you want in a library nearest you.
====Great Aids to helping you have content with better spelling, grammar, usage, and style====
If you want your writing to have credibility obviously you don't want poorly written content detracting from your messages impact. Recently, there have been big improvements when it comes to software programs that help you with spelling, grammar, usage, and style.
*[ StyleWriter Style and Usage checker]
Here are two classic books on writing well and one of them was recommended to me recently by my university college English professor (looking back he was one of the best professors I had although he was the toughest as well which I did not appreciate at the time!): *[ Elements of Style by William Strunk] *[ On Writing Well by William Zinsser]   ==How do People Evaluate a Website's Credibility? ==Should You Encourage Your Supporters TO Have Websites Credibility is important for both non-profit and Blogsfor profit websites. For example, what is the point of a for profit website getting a lot of internet traffic if the visitors have a low sales conversion rate due to the website being perceived as a low credibility website?  Stanford University did a large study which evaluated how people evaluate a website's credibility: *[ How do People Evaluate a Website's Credibility?] ==Effective Copywriting==Copywriting is the discipline which involves the words that are used to promote a person, business, opinion or idea. If you are a non-profit which heavily relies on internet product sales you definitely need to be good at copywriting to make product sales. Here are some books I recommend when it comes to copywriting: *[ The Copywriter's Handbook, Third Edition: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells] *[ Words that Sell] *[ t=puttinglinkso-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=0071418539&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr More Words that Sell] Here is a book that is highly rated by Amazon users and is specifically geared to electronic medium:
In the next section, I will mention a program*[http:/package that enables non technical people to have websites. It is endorsed by some universities/collegesrcm. However, before I do this, I wish to explain why I believe you should encourage your supporters to have their own websites and Copywriting for the Electronic Media: A Practical Guide]
==Getting Search Engine Rankings - In House SEO Versus Using SEO Experts==
In light of the above information, I suggest that non-profits look over the material on [ non-profits and internet fundraising given previously].
==SEO Goals==
I do think that it is very important to set objectives, goals, and projected timeline for activities as far as search engine optimization. Otherwise, it is easy to drift and achieve little. Hopefully, the material directly above gives some guidance (the information on in house vs. expert SEO consultant efforts).
Here are two excellent resources:
*[ Setting Organizational Goals] *[ Strategic Planning (in nonprofit or for-profit organizations)] ==Should You Encourage Your Supporters TO Have Websites and Blogs? == In the next section, I will mention a program/package that enables non technical people to have websites. It is endorsed by some universities/colleges. However, before I do this, I wish to explain why I believe that some organizations should encourage their supporters to have their own websites and blogs. ===Why You Should Encourage Your Supporters to Have Blogs and Websites==='''KEY POINT:''' If you have a lot of supporters and your organization is a non-profit associated with a particular cause , I would recommend suggesting supporters to have websites and blogs as well and to have these websites and blogs link to your organizations website. I would also suggest providing them this resource. If your organization is cause based, some of your supporters probably post on forums and other places on the internet. Also, if you have zealous supporters posting in fairly non popular forums or in general forums, this is less productive than a focused blog on a particular subject. Google does look at the topical relevance of a particular site or forum. I suppose an alternative is to have your supporters be more active as far as creating articles for your website but an argument for telling your supporters how they can easily have their own website or blog and then link to your websites is that they will have more freedom in terms of what they write (and you will not have to review it) plus there is the convenience factor. If their material is hosted at their website or blog, the can more easily make revisions.
I believe that the best strategy is combination of having your supporters write articles for your website, but at the same time encouraging them to have their own blogs and websites also due to the freedom of expression and convenience factor. Plus I generally think people are sometimes more enthusiastic if they have their own personal website or blog and the proliferation of blogs on the internet tells me that I am correct in suggesting that a mix of having supporters write articles for your website plus encouraging them to have their own websites is a wise strategy.
Other specific tips on launching a blog and getting More Web Traffic to a will be covered later as I think it is better if you read the material after this section before I give you some more blogging tips.
===SEO Blog Optimization E-Book===
Matt Cutts is a Google employee who works for their Search Quality group. Mr. Cutt is well known for providing the public with information on how to gain more web visibility via the Google search engine.
In 2007, in an interview Mr. Cutts spoke highly of the blog platform Wordpress as far as its ability to rank high at the search engines.
Steve Wiideman is a search engine optimization expert who formerly worked with Disney as far as their search engine optimization efforts. I have read some of his material and he provides some excellent advice. Based on the material I have read of Mr. Wiideman, I would recommend his purchasing his e-book entitled [ SEO Blog Optimization].
Mr. Wiideman's e-book SEO Blog Optimization is a [ downloadable e-book and video] which focuses on how to optimize Wordpress for higher positioning In search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
==Other help as far as creating articles that will bring the most traffic to a website==
*[ Google Keyword tool]
==Addiitional Additional Important Suggestions==
Now if your website is strong enough you can start going after the more popular searches. How do you know if your website is strong enough? Well if your website is somewhere between weak and strong and cannot decide if you are ready to go after the popular searches, I am willing to do a quick analysis of your website so you can follow the appropriate tactic in terms of pursuing popular keywords or pursuing long-tail keywords.
2. Again, the primary goal should be creating quality content. People are often much more likely to link to quality content than low quality content and inbound links are very important to gaining top Google rankings. Also, Google clocks how much time readers spend in an article and this partly determines your google ranking. Quality content encourages people to keep reading. Do NOT make any claims you do not reasonably support in the article. Readers will often blow off such an article and not read the rest of the article when they read such a claim or claims. This will reduce the amount of time they spend in your article and your Google rank will needlessly suffer. Plus people will often not be as likely to link to such articles which will greatly hurt your search engine rankings. Also, nothing will infuriate the opponents of an article more than an article than does not make unreasonable claims. This will create internet buzz/publicity for your article. Also cite your sources and do so via footnotes rather than bibliographies which are much less user friendly. Please keep in mind that Google ranks the links that you link to in an article. Obviously it is better to cite an authoratative website than Joe's blog.
3. Have a strong opening that makes a reader curious to know more and put the most relevant and interesting information at the top of the article and try to make a orderly progression to the article. Remember Google clocks the amount of time people spend in an article in regards to how it ranks an article.
4. Handle some of the more important objections to a position (for example, pro-life) when it is reasonable to do so. Avoid petty objections.
5. If appropriate, make reasonable concessions regarding a position (and again, while providing reasonable rebuttals of objections if possible ) and when writing about a person or movement point out the foibles of people when it is appropriate to do so as it is better they find out about these from the article than from other websites (obviously you do not want to major on the minors and talk about a parking ticket the person received). Gaining readers trust is vitally important and trust has to be earned. The Bible often points out the notable foibles of its main individuals and so should the article you are writing or helping to write.
6. As of November 30, 2007 the company had about 78% percent of the market share for search engine traffic. (see: ). If it is realistic given a cost/benefit analysis, set a goal that you or your team are going to reach the top 3 Google results for a web search because the top 3 Google rankings get the most web traffic. At the very least you or your team want to be in the top 4-7 results. I think an appropriate nickname for the Apostle Paul is the nickname "all out Paul" due to his zeal. You want to have Apostle Paul like fire in your belly when you shoot for top Google rankings.
7. Once you or your team pick an article topic find out what words or phrases people often or fairly often type in Google to search for information on a topic. These words and phrases are called Google keywords. A list of Google keywords is located here:
8. Use the list of Google keywords associated with the title of the article in your article in a reasonable way (see: as this is very important. Do not "stuff' these words into the article but use the most natural keywords and do it in a reasonable way. An example of Google keyword stuffing would be having an article on "Communism" and having the following "sentence":
Karl Marx socialist party marxism Soviet Union Karl Marx. The previous "sentence" was made up entirely of Google keywords and Google will heavily penalize for such gimicks.
9. Create sub articles which the main article links to and have these articles be Google keywords although certainly not all of the sub articles have to be google keywords (for example, you might cite an expert and have a short article on this expert). Having relevant, quality, and interesting content is key and don't be afraid to create sections in your article or sub articles attached to your main article that are not Google keyword related. The Google keywords merely tell you what the public is aware of and has a demand in knowing more about. If you or your team uncover relevant and interesting information that the public doesn't know about this will drive traffic to your article so again don't be afraid to create non-Google keyword material in your article or non Google keyword subarticles that are linked to your main article.
10. When you are creating Google keyword articles the Google keywords associated with a topic that are often but not always found here is not all the Google keywords associated with a topic. So say for example, if you go to you type in "widgets" you may NOT see that "widgets and wodgets" is a keyword phrase but if you type in "widgets and wodgets" you may see that "widgets and wodgets" is in fact a Google keyword phrase. If you download the program SEO FireFox which is located [ here] it does offer a nice keyword tool that will be located directly below the Google search box when you do searches.
11. Don't create a Google Keyword sub article until its ready. It is better to wait until you do further research and write a good Google sub keyword article rather than disappoint your readers with something of low quality. The same applies to your non-keyword articles but don't be afraid to create short bios of various people you cite. Keep the reputation of your article strong.
13. It is perfectly acceptable to use information in other articles and to quote them. However, do not make the main Google keyword article or the sub Google keyword articles 17% or more similar to the sources used (see step #8 above). Again this is a very important issue.
14. In relation to conservative articles or articles on conservative websites, do not rely on the press or blogs or internet forums to generate traffic for an article unless you plan on posting on some of the big blogs or forums. If a topical area has very prominent blogs or forums and you post on them it can provide a boost for your articles and create internet buzz. If the article is an issue article post on both liberal and conservative blogs. However, this step should only be used to kick start an already good article as may only create a short term effect. Kick starting an article can be important because once the targeted audiences are initially reached word of mouth can sustain an article. Also, given that the majority of the press is liberal it is wishful thinking to believe the liberal press will be of much help for conservative articles or articles at a conservative website. If it happens that is great but consider that icing on the cake. Often the blogs find out about an article because it has a fairly high profile via the search engines which are generating traffic for the article.
1415. In relation One excellent key to conservative articles or articles on conservative websites, do not rely on the press or blogs or internet forums getting a top ranked search engine article is to generate traffic for an have unique information in your article unless you plan on posting on some of the big blogs or forums. If a topical area has very prominent blogs or forums and you post on them As mentioned earlier by searching Google New Zealand I was able to find some key information in relation to an article that was not widely known in English speaking countries although it can provide was a boost top ranked article in New Zealand for your articles and create internet buzz. If the article is an issue article post on both liberal and conservative blogstopic. HoweverIn addition, this step should only be used by doing other research using both internet and print sources I was able to kick start an already good article as may only create a short term effect. Kick starting an article can be important because once unique content in the targeted audiences are initially reached word of mouth can sustain an article. Also, given that the majority of the press is liberal it is wishful thinking to believe the liberal press If you create some unique material in your article people will be of much help for conservative articles or articles at more likely to cite your article with a conservative websitelink. If it happens that is great but consider that icing on the cake 16. Often Incorporate pictures in the blogs find out about an article because it has a fairly high profile via the search engines which are generating traffic for as this gives the article. a professional appearance
Here are some sources for finding pictures that are public domain pictures or may have generous copyright conditions:
15. One excellent key to getting a top ranked search engine article is to have unique information in your article. As mentioned earlier by searching Google New Zealand I was able to find some key information in relation to a conservative article that was not widely known in English speaking countries although it was a top ranked article in New Zealand for the topic. In addition, by doing other research using both internet and print sources I was able to create unique content in the Conservapedia homosexuality article which is a top ranked article on the internet for the topic homosexuality. If you create some unique material in your article people will be more likely to cite your article with a link. Creative Commons pictures:
16*[http://www. Incorporate pictures in the article as this gives the article a professional appearance Creative Commons]
Here are some sources for finding pictures*[ How to identify public domain photos on Flickr (this article maybe too simplied and please see the various types of licenses in the link above)]
*[httpOther sources of pictures:// How to identify public domain photos on Flickr] (look at the top center of the page )
Here is the Google and Yahoo search function for finding copyrighted and public domain pictures: (look at the top center of the page )
Pictures and SEO:
When I created some of the most popular articles on the internet for various hot button social issues I knew absolutely nothing about search engine optimization (SEO) for images/pictures on a website. So please do not worry if you do not understand the pieces of advice in the articles below on search engine optimization and images on your webpages as some of the advice is somewhat technical. However, since SEO is a largely a game of inches gained rather than knockout blows here are some articles on SEO and images:
17. Put links to your articles on webpages on the website that the article resides on when it makes sense to do so. Your key articles should be accessible within 3 clicks on your main page.
18. Have a proofreader or proofreaders look over your article. I have been told there is a woman who will do this for free for conservative websites and I am going to try to contact her.
19. Call or email other websites that are related to the website article and have them link to the main article and/or sub articles associated with the article. Often this can make a big difference although I would not rely on it. Wait until your article is of good quality before you do this.
Generally speaking it is harder to rank well for very short stubby articles.
However, I do rank well for two very competitive searches on social issues and my articles take throw everything but the kitchen sink at them approach. So the articles are long in length. I also well cite my material and pick good sources. Those articles took a lot of work to do though. I also am not sure how many people read much of the longest of those articles I created as I do not have the data as I hosted the material at a website I do not own. In general people do hava a habit of skimming and reading internet articles by reading the title sections they are interested inand then reading those sections. However, the articles in question do get a lot of clicks on the articlea as I have access to the webpage counters. By the way, one of the reasons I took a throw everything at them but the kitchen sink approach is that I wanted to create a one stop shopping approach as far as the relevant information plus I figured a throw everything at them but the kitchen sink approach would get a lot of publicity and the article would rank high at the search engines. At the time I wrote those articles my knowledge of search engine optimization was much more limited but I did have good research skills compared to most people.
SEO expert Aaron Wall of [ SEO Book] states the page length should be optimized for the user experience. Aaron Wall states at [ SEO Book] that "Since Google's relevancy algorithms are looking more for natural writing, the value of having small hyper-focused pages is not as good as it once was...good copy gets just as much traffic for long tail keywords you didn't intend on optimizing for."
==A word of warning==
==Internet Publicity, Viral Buzz , and Viral Marketing Resources=====Viral Marketing===
The website states the following regarding viral marketing:
===Internet Publicity===
Eric Ward is a highly paid internet consultant who specializes in link building. Mr. Ward definitely does use internet publicity to get his clients to rank higher at the search engines as can be seen here:
According, I do highly recommend buying this book which I recently purchased and I am very impressed with (I am guessing it is currently the best book on the subject and he does mention Eric Ward's name in the acknowledgements page of his book):
*[ Complete Guide to Internet Publicity: Creating and Launching Successful Online Campaigns] '''BUY THIS BOOK - IT IS AWESOME''' (It does awesome advice on gaining internet publicity, but its advice that SEO is not worth the investment is rather dated and extremely poor advice. At the same time, internet publicity can gain a lot of inbound links and I highly recommend getting internet publicity)
===Internet Press Releases===
My friend who is an SEO consultant definitely uses internet press releases. Currently on the internet, there are both paid and unpaid internet press release websites (I am guessing the free press release websites are advertisement supported).
Here is a good article on internet press releases:
*[ 10 Ways to Make Press Releases More SEO Friendly]
I suggest for most websites spacing out the press releases (One press release for the first month and then 2 per month subsequently until you achieve your desired results).
===Books on how to Reach People through Viral Marketing, Blogs, Press Releases, etc===
==Politics + Religion - Muckracking Material - Bad News Travels Like Wildfire, Good News Travels Slow==
Whenever you write excellent material against the beliefs of a segment of the population, you will likely find that the words of Johnny Cash song entitled [ Bad News] will ring true. Johnny Cash's song states that "Bad news travels like wildfire, Good news travels slow."
So what are the implications of this phenomena from a SEO point of view? The implications are that if you have an accurate hard hitting article the opponents of your article will likely create inbound links to your webpage far more rabidly and abundantly. After this occurs, you simply get high [ Google Pagerank] webpages articles that are contexually related that agree with you on the topic to link to your webpage (this is covered more in the link building section of this resource).
Another tip is if you are writing against X in an article, then it is a good idea to post in the top forums and blogs of X's supporters. Google does look at the topical relevance of the inbound links to an article in terms of getting top rankings so if you want to rank high for X then posting in Y's supporters who are against X will be less effective. At the same time, if a unrelated forum or blog does have a particular post or thread on a keyword or topic your trying to rank high for at the search engines, posting to it will have some good effect. Some blogs ask for a name and email address when posting. If a blog ask for a name and email address, each person has to decide for himself whether or not to use a pen name. I will say, however, that blogs sometimes do ask for name and email address but they don't ask for "Your name". :) If your privacy is a concern when it comes to posting in X's forums and blogs then I suggest using free or for pay IP blocking software solutions like [ Anonymizer], [], [ Foxyproxy], and [ Tor]. I don't pretend to be an expert on Proxies so I recommend going to the free [ forum]. Here is a YouTube video called [ What is a Proxy?].
==Link Building vs. Link Baiting==
===Library Links===
As noted earlier Eric Ward is a highly respected internet expert who specializes in link building in order to raise his clients search engine rankings.
According to Mr. Ward links from libraries are authoritative links which can be very beneficial in terms of raising your search engine rankings as can be seen in this article: [ Revenge of the Librarians - Don't Hate me for Being Right]
Here is an example using the keyword dogs:
===Links from DMOZ and Best of the Web articles and main pages===
Getting your website or web articles listed in [ DMOZ] and [ Best of the Web] can be influential in terms of getting higher search engine rankings. [ DMOZ] has an official policy that they prefer or require you to have only one submission to their website. The rule appears to be poorly enforced (at lest in the past at a bare minimum) though and some websites have a lot of DMOZ entries. I am guessing that within reason you should be able to have more than one submission. For example, I am guessing that it would be reasonable for Subways to have a listing under food service establishments plus also have a listing under franchises. It appears as if DMOZ wants volunteer editors who are unbiased so I suggest that if you apply to DMOZ you do not divulge any information that might lead them to believe you are biased. I would think submitting your own website as a volunteer editor would be a big mistake. If do apply to be a volunteer editor say you are applying to be a volunteer because you think it is important that internet users have internet directories that can lead them to high quality resources, etc. etc. And of course, it goes without saying that if you volunteer to be a DMOZ editor then you choose only high quality articles and websites to be submitted. When making a submission to DMOZ it is important that there be an editor for the category you are submitting to or it could take many years before the submission is put into DMOZ.
I have found that getting inbound links from [ DMOZ] and [ Best of the Web] articles and the main pages of these websites can be very good in terms of getting your articles ranked high by the search engines.
==Submitting Articles to Article Directories==
One way to have your webpages rank higher at the search engines is to submit articles to articles directories that link to your webpages. I have heard that there are software programs called "article spinners" which can create different versions of your articles so you do not have your articles filtered out of the search engines due to duplicate content filtering. I have heard mixed messages regarding the effectiveness of article spinners. I am looking into this matter via a friend who is an SEO.
Again, please watch this YouTube video as it will give you very important information regarding the value of various links which link to a webpage at your website: []
Here is are two articles on link reputation which is the reputation of the page that is linking to you: and A key point in these articles is that Google and other search engines look at the context of the page linking to you. In other words, if a webpage having a very high [ Google PageRank Pagerank] (lots of strong webpages linking to it) links to you may not necessarily help you rank high for the search clams if the webpage focuses on zebras (text on page is regarding zebras and zebra related sites linking to that page). I am guessing if you have lots of high [ Google PageRank Pagerank] unrelated articles to your webpage that this could cause you to have a unnatural link profile. In addition, all other things remaining equal strong websites that are OLD websites carry more weight than new websites that link to you. Of course, the best possible situation is if you can get a old contextually relevant webpage with a high Google PageRank to link to you (high PageRank very roughly means that lots of webpages link to it and/or several webpages linking to the page that have many webpages linking to it).
Recently, I ranked very high for an extremely competitive search. One of the things I did was create an excellent article and them I emailed or call the owners of the websites or webpages that were in for this topic and I got a high percentage of them to link to me. Since is highly regarded by the search engines, I believe this is definitely one of the factors that got me to rank high for this search term. I would also recommend contacting related websites that were in and get them to also link to your webpage since this website is also influential in regards to search engine rankings.
==Pulling Web Traffic from the websites of your key competitors ==
Two very helpful free tools for pulling web traffic from your competitors are [ SEM Rush] and which help you discover the keywords your competitor rank high for. The results are not always accurate for these two tools and perhaps it is because they are lagging indicators. Be sure to confirm the Google ranks for the results you receive from these websites. These websites also have a pay for results option which will reveal more keyword results for your competitors.
==Affiliate Marketing ==
Affiliate marketing is currently becoming a big thing in the business world. You can have people sell your products and services using their websites and blogs and pay them only when a sales is made. Affiliate marketing is where an organization has people sign up to be marketers of their goods and services at their websites and/or through affiliate network websites which have their own affiliates. These affiliates put text links/banner/graphics at other websites/blogs and if people buy things within a specified period of time, they get a commission (most affiliate marketing programs are pay for performance [pay for actual sales] rather than pay per click). Having a knowledge of affiliate marketing can help you better promote your website and your website's store products. Many Christian ministries offer books, tapes, etc) that educate their readers. An excellent company that will run an affiliate marketing program to sell your organization products/services is [ ShareASale]. [ ShareASale] is one of the bigger companies and they have won many awards from a popular affiliate forum which annually rates affiliate marketing network companies.
===Affiliate Marketing Training===
'''Affiliate Classroom'''
In 2008, Anik Singal is a finalist for Business Week's entrepreneur of the year. Anik runs an excellent and inexpensive affiliate marketing training class called Affiliate Classroom. Although there is certainly people earning excellent incomes in affiliate marketing and Anik has an excellent school make sure you read the income disclaimer button material at the bottom of the page :) : [ Affiliate Classroom]. In all seriousness, Anik was nominated to be the entrepreneur for 2008 and you can read about him [ Here]
Companies can have an outside affiliate management company program run the program or you they can install affiliate marketing software for their websites.
===Affiliate Marketing Software===
The following affiliate marketing software was recommended to me should you wish to run your own program:
==Online SEO Training==
===Online SEO Training Classes===
'''Aaron WallOnline Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Training Program'''
Aaron Wall offers online training classes for SEO and internet marketing and his material has been endorsed by the prestigious Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania which is one of the top business schools in the United States. In addition, Aaron Wall has appeared in the major media like the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, CNN, CNBC, etc.
Aaron Wall offers excellent resources. I LOVE his SEO FireFox software program which is offered for free [ HERE] !!! A small word of caution though. Although I have not personally participated in the SEO forum at Aaron Wall's website I suspect that some of the people there may be knowledgeable. However, do not take as gospel truth everything you read by the forum participants because unfortunately there is a great plentitude of people in the SEO community who do NOT know what they are doing. While the signal to noise ratio (good advice to bad advice) is much likely better than at most forums at Aaron Wall's website, I would not put a lot of stock in what you read at SEO forums on the internet. I am writing this word of caution because the gentleman who has provided me with SEO training has told me to not put any stock in what you read at SEO forums on the internet as most participants don't know really what they are doing in terms of their SEO knowledge. In other words, they have not truly rigorously tested their advice to see if it is sound.
'''Search Engine CollegeOnline Search Engine Optimization Training Program'''
Another program for learning SEO is [ Search Engine College] SEO College offers self paced online SEO training classes. The training packages for [ Search Engine College] start at $145 and go up to $1,195. You can find out about the packages being offered by SEO College [ HERE].
'''DMA and SEMPO Online Search Engine Optimization Training Programs'''
I have heard good things about the [ DMA search engine optimization program] and the [ SEMPO Institute Training search engine optimization] training programs as well.
==Other Free SEO Software Tools==
==Social Media Optimization==
Social media optimization (SMO) is a method of creating web traffic and publicity through social media and online communities. SMO involves such things as getting high trafffic bloggers, the blogging community as whole, and topical bloggers to blog about you. SMO also uses such things as video sharing, photo sharing websites, social bookmarking websites, RSS feeds, social news buttons, etc.
SMO can play a part for specific search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns or the overall SEO strategy for a website. The relationship between SMO and SEO is explained in the resources below.
Here is a general overview of SMO: [ Social media optimization]
If you decide to use YouTube in your social media optimization efforts, there is a software package called [ Tube Toolbox] which my friend uses and he is very pleased with it. [ Tube Toolbox] automates the tasks of friend invites, YouTube messages, YouTube comments, and sharing videos at YouTube. When using the software it is important that you [ follow my guidelines for using the software so you will have a harmonious relationship with YouTube as far as your use of the software].
Here are some websites which explain what social media optimization is and how to use it to gain more web trafic:
You would do not want to have the following URL for a peacock article:
Also, keep your main URL short and sweet. This is bad main URL:
Even if you are brand new to the concept of SEO, I highly recommend taking a tour of the website [ SEO Book] written by the well know search engine optimization expert Aaron Wall and please do not be concerned if you do not understand all the terminology yet because you will learn a lot from this webpage I provided. I believe it is important to be familiar with [ SEO Book] because it will help make you "think like a search engine" which is important if you want to rank high for the search engines. Thinking like a search engine is not that difficult to understand once you understand some of the basic concepts. If you have some time now I would recommend taking a quick tour of [ SEO Book] and I think you will be impressed with the quality of the material. An important principle that Aaron Wall teaches is that the internet is a social medium and that you have to emotionally engage your readers. In other words, bland webmasters often have a more difficult time. Mr. Wall argues that getting web traffic is often a matter of engaging or enraging! Aaron Wall also teaches that if you want long term success on the internet that mere gimics are not enough to rank high for competitive searches.
==Affiliate Marketing ==
Affiliate marketing is currently becoming a big thing in the business world. You can have people sell your products and services using their websites and blogs and pay them only when a sales is made. Affiliate marketing is where an organization has people sign up to be marketers of their goods and services at their websites and/or through affiliate network websites which have their own affiliates. These affiliates put text links/banner/graphics at other websites/blogs and if people buy things within a specified period of time, they get a commission (most affiliate marketing programs are pay for performance [pay for actual sales] rather than pay per click). Having a knowledge of affiliate marketing can help you better promote your website and your website's store products. Many Christian ministries offer books, tapes, etc) that educate their readers. An excellent company that will run an affiliate marketing program to sell your organization products/services is [ ShareASale]. [ ShareASale] is one of the bigger companies and they have won many awards from a popular affiliate forum which annually rates affiliate marketing network companies.
===Affiliate Marketing Training===
'''Affiliate Classroom'''
In 2008, Anik Singal is a finalist for Business Week's entrepreneur of the year. Anik runs an excellent and inexpensive affiliate marketing training class called Affiliate Classroom. Although there is certainly people earning excellent incomes in affiliate marketing and Anik has an excellent school make sure you read the income disclaimer button material at the bottom of the page :) : [ Affiliate Classroom]. In all seriousness, Anik was nominated to be the entrepreneur for 2008 and you can read about him [ Here]
Companies can have an outside affiliate management company program run the program or you they can install affiliate marketing software for their websites.
===Affiliate Marketing Software===
The following affiliate marketing software was recommended to me should you wish to run your own program: [ IDevAffiliate]
==How to Optimize Local Organization/Church Profiles for Free Local Directories==
I do have some additional material on this subject that was provided to me by a gentleman who has a specialization in search engine optimization for local search. Please contact me if you want some consulting in this area.
==Important Request==