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1,893 bytes added, 10:18, 23 April 2010
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/* Test if an element has a certain class **************************************
/** Countdown **/
function updatetimer(i) {
var now = new Date();
var then = timers[i].eventdate;
var diff = count=Math.floor((then.getTime()-now.getTime())/1000);
// catch bad date strings
if(isNaN(diff)) {
timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = '** ' + timers[i].eventdate + ' **' ;
// determine plus/minus
if(diff<0) {
diff = -diff;
var tpm = ' ';
} else {
var tpm = ' ';
// calcuate the diff
var left = (diff%60) + ' seconds';
if(diff > 0) left = (diff%60) + ' minutes ' + left;
if(diff > 0) left = (diff%24) + ' hours ' + left;
if(diff > 0) left = diff + ' days ' + left
timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue = tpm + left;
// a setInterval() is more efficient, but calling setTimeout()
// makes errors break the script rather than infinitely recurse
timeouts[i] = setTimeout('updatetimer(' + i + ')',1000);
function checktimers() {
//hide 'nocountdown' and show 'countdown'
var nocountdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'nocountdown');
for(var i in nocountdowns) nocountdowns[i].style.display = 'none'
var countdowns = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdown');
for(var i in countdowns) countdowns[i].style.display = 'inline'
//set up global objects timers and timeouts.
timers = getElementsByClassName(document, 'span', 'countdowndate'); //global
timeouts = new Array(); // generic holder for the timeouts, global
if(timers.length == 0) return;
for(var i in timers) {
timers[i].eventdate = new Date(timers[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
updatetimer(i); //start it up
// ***************************************
// - end - Experimental javascript timer
// ***************************************

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