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Technology in the Bible

15,517 bytes added, 04:14, 1 August 2011
Added section on innovation
On the page [[Biblical references to technology]], we have tried to catalogue and comment on specific verses that mention technology of any kind. That catalogue provides the raw data for the more thematic comments on this current page.
Although no definition of technology is offered here, it is worth noting that the term includes both physical tools and techniques.
There are no passages in the Bible that explicitly prescribe a Christian response to technology. Nevertheless, a close reading of the Bible can inform Christian attitudes in several ways:
In the end, there is no fundamental difference between how Christians should decide about the use of technology and how they should decide about most of life's questions. When there is no definitive Biblical statement on the topic, we apply core principles of Christian discipleship such as the call to stewardship over creation, the Great Commandments ([[Matthew 22:37]] - [[Matthew 22:40]]), a desire for holiness, a total reliance on God, a commitment to the community of faith, and an expectation that God will give us wisdom ([[James 1:5]]).
Fundamental to the Biblical narrative is that God is innovative. God creates new things and acts in new ways. This is not just true of the Creation passages in Genesis, but reflected throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Even in the book of Revelation, God's gives people a new name ([[Revelation 2:17]], [[Revelation 3:12]]), there is a new Jerusalem ([[Revelation 3:12]], [[Revelation 21:2]]), a new song ([[Revelation 5:9]], [[Revelation 14:3]]), new heavens and new earth ([[Revelation 21:1]]), and a declaration that God is making all things new ([[Revelation 21:5]]). William Barclay points out (''The Daily Study Bible - The Revelation, vol 1'', p. 176) that "Greek has two words for ''new'', ''neos'', which means ''new in point of time'' but not necessairly in point of quality, and ''kainos'', which means ''new in point of quality''. ''Kainos'' describes a thing which has not only been recently produced but whose like has never existed before." It is the second of these words that is used in Revelation.
Whereas most of the comments in this article relate to physical ''tools'', in the Bible we also see an evolution of ''techniques'' -- new forms of government and law, methods of communication ([[Hebrews 1:1]]-[[Hebrews 1:2]]), approaches to ethics, and new mechanisms for salvation -- often actively promoted by God.
A significant aspect of being made in God's image is that humans share God's innovative nature. In our development and use of tools and techniques, we are co-creators with God.
== Metaphoric applications of technology ==
==Technology in relation to Redemption==
Prior to The Fall, the Bible does not mention of any tool. God created a world in which technology was not required. Food was readily at hand, natural shelter was provided, and health was assured. So is technology just the result of sin and if so, should Christian's avoid using it?
In [ Four Questions for Technology from the Biblical Story] and [ From the Garden to the City: Technology in the Story of Redemption], John Dyer suggests that:
* All technology has the potential to be used for sin. Technology is inseparably tied to humanity’s rejection of God and God’s grace toward humanity in allowing us to continue. ('''Rebellion''')
* Technology is almost always designed to overcome an effect of the Fall. It, therefore, can function redemptively and yet simultaneously represent the inadequacy of our attempts to live without God. ('''Redemption''')
* When technology fails, rather than causing us sadness and grief, they offer us a chance to reorient our hope away from our technology and toward Christ’s return. So when you get a [ blue screen of death ] or an iPhone lockup, rather than curse in disgust, it should be an opportunity to say, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come!” ('''Restoration''') ==Technology before The Flood==There have been numerous discoveries of pieces of technology that dates back to the time of [[Noah]] and before. These include:*a battery in [[Egypt]]*evidence of radio and telecommunication capabilities*evidence of world travel and advanced transportation None of these are mentioned in the Bible, but are not disproved by the Bible either.
== Musical instruments ==
According to the story about the Tower of Babel ([[Genesis 11]]), God deliberately caused people to have multiple languages so we would not understand each other. Some may say that if God has imposed that restriction on us then we ought not work against it by developing better ways to communicate. But an approach with more Biblical support is one that parallels our response to the curses in [[Genesis 3]]. Although God says women will have pain in childbirth and men will have to toil hard to gather food, we do whatever we can to reduce that pain and toil. Correspondingly, it is completely in line with God's process of redemption that we seek to overcome barriers to communication. It's interesting that in the early Christian church, God used the opposite strategy from what he employed at Babel: empowering the apostles to speak ''multiple'' languages so that all people would understand the news of the risen Christ ([[Acts 2]]).
The first reference in the Bible to writing is in [[Exodus 17:14]], where God instructs Moses to write on a scroll so that the defeat of the Amalekites would be remembered. Moses also writes on stone -- the second copy of the Ten Commandments in [[Exodus 34:28]]. About 1400 years later, Zechariah uses a writing table tablet ([[Luke 1:63]]) and Paul requests Timothy to bring his scrolls and parchments ([[2 Timothy 4:13]]). Job wishes that his words could be written on a scroll or engraved so that they would endure forever ([[Job 19:23]] - [[Job 19:24]]).
Trumpets are used for communication, especially for signals during battle or to sound an alarm. Moses was specifically instructed to make two silver trumpets to call the community together in [[Numbers 10:1]] - [[Numbers 10:10]]. Paul makes reference to this type of signalling in [[1 Corinthians 14:8]] and [[1 Thessalonians 4:16]].
== Military technology ==
SwordsThere are probably more references to military technology in the Bible than any other category. References to swords, shields, spears and arrows litter the Old and New Testaments, with the same sense of acceptance, though not always approval, as other types of technology. There is no comment or assumption that military technology is inherently bad.SpearsSiege rampsThe first mention of a weapon is the sword wielded by an angel to keep people away from the Tree of Life ([[Genesis 3:24]]). Many verses represent God as metaphorically wielding weapons, for instance:Bows * God is a shield to us ([[Psalm 3:3]] and half a dozen other Psalms)* God's arrowsdiscipline us ([[Psalm 38:2]]) and shoot down evil-doers ([[Psalm 64:7]])* God has tens of thousands of chariots ([[Psalm 68:17]]) ===Chariots=== Chariotswere advanced technology at the time and receive several notable mentions:* The wheel is first mentioned in conjunction with Egyptian chariots ([[Exodus 14:25]])* After the Israelites had moved into the Promised Land, they were unable to displace some groups "because they had iron chariots" ([[Judges 1:19]]) although shortly afterwards they routed an army with 900 iron chariots ([[Judges 4:13]] - [[Judges 4:16]])* God uses a chariot of fire to take Elijah away ([[2 Kings 2:11]])* Solomon had 1,400 chariots ([[2 Chronicles 1:14]]), at least some of which were imported from Egypt and resold to other nations ([[2 Chronicles 1:17]]).* Philip ministers to an Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot ([[Acts 8:26]] - [[Acts 8:40]]) ===Moral neutrality?=== The same materials can have different technological applications. Indeed, the same technology can be used for both war and peace, for good and for evil. For example, the prophets Isaiah and Micah both looked to a future peace in which people will beat their swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks ([[Isaiah 2:4]], [[Micah 4:3]]). On the other hand Joel saw a time when the reverse would be needed ([[Joel 3:10]]). Paul refers to our bodies as weapons that can either be instruments of wickedness or of righteousness ([[Romans 6:13]], see Vine's ''Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words'' on the interpretation of "instruments" as weapons). People are like tools that, in the cosmic war, are used to advance one side or the other. Our bodies, as technology, are not neutral, nor mindlessly forced into service: Paul calls us to choose the purpose to which we will offer ourselves.  Paul repeats a similar message in [[2 Timothy 2:20]] - [[2 Timothy 2:21]]. It is unimportant whether we are made from gold and silver, or from mere wood and clay. In either case we can choose to become an instrument for either noble or ignoble purposes. The New Testament writers present a more non-violent attitude than the Old Testament, undermining any belief that God's kingdom should be imposed by military force. * When Peter uses a sword to protect Jesus, Jesus rebukes him ([[Matthew 26:51]] - [[Matthew 26:53]], [[Luke 22:50]], [[John 18:10]]). (This seems a bit strange in Luke's account because he records Jesus as asking for two swords to be brought along -- [[Luke 22:36]] - [[Luke 22:38]].)* Paul is clear that the weapons used by Christians are not the weapons of the world ([[2 Corinthians 10:3]] - [[2 Corinthians 10:5]]). We are to put on the spiritual rather than physical armour of God, and that includes only one offensive weapon -- "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" ([[Ephesians 6:13]] - [[Ephesians 6:18]]) and that is "sharper than any double-edged sword" ([[Hebrews 4:12]]). ===Technological superiority=== [[1 Samuel 13]] describes how the Philistines don't allow the Israelites to have blacksmiths and charged the Israelites a fee to sharpen their garden tools. This is an example of restricting an enemy's technological abilities for military advantage. Dominant nations still benefit from technological superiority, creating a cycle in which technology provides a power advantage and that power allows the technological superiority to be maintained.  Nevertheless, the Bible points out that military technology is not what decides a battle. Our trust in technology to save us is not always warranted.* David beat the more heavily equipped Goliath with a stone and slingshot ([[1 Samuel 17]])* "Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God"([[Psalm 20:7]]). Woe to those who do trust in chariots rather than seek God ([[Isaiah 31:1]]). ===Miscellaneous references=== Other references to weapons include:* A tent peg was used as an offensive weapon by Deborah ([[Judges 4:21]]).* Siege ramps are mentioned first in [[2 Samuel 20:15]], but also in [[2 Kings]], [[Job]], [[Isaiah]], [[Jeremiah]] and [[Ezekiel]]. It seems likely that these ramps were simply piles of dirt.* A mighty army is described as having arrows that are like skilled warriors -- an early form of intelligent weaponry! ([[Jeremiah 50:9]])
== Idolatry ==
Perhaps the most significant risk of technology is that by allowing some degree of control over our environment, technology can lead us to assume that we have no need for God. That leads to idolatry and brings a new kind of enslavement.
Old Testament warnings against idolatry frequently include comments on the technological origin of idols. For instance, in the incident when Israel grew impatient waiting for Moses and started to worship a Golden Calf, it is clear that Aaron gathered gold jewellery, melted it, cast it into the shape of a calf, and fashioned it with a tool ([[Exodus 32:2]] - [[Exodus 32:4]]). When confronted by Moses, however, Aaron denies the use of tools ([[Exodus 32:24]]). This may imply a belief that what occurs naturally is good, but that manufactured goods are not. But more likely, it is simply a denial of responsibility, like a child's "I didn't touch it, it just broke".
[[Psalm 115:2]] - [[Psalm 115:8]] describes the futility of worshipping idols of silver and gold, made by human hands. In the modern world we rarely see this kind of superstitious approach to idols, and yet passages like this remain powerful as commentary on a materialist worldview. The materialist atheist cannot see God in the world and asks us where he is, blind to the fact that God is sovereign. They can manufacture all manner of goods, even computers and robots. But such creations are a poor imitation, not really seeing or speaking or hearing or smelling. Of course, in this age, the manufactured goods are far more sophisticated than the idols of old, and computers can indeed perceive and respond to the environment. Nevertheless, they are mere machines, lacking the inner life of humans. Those who believe otherwise end up suggesting that we too are mere machines: perfectly fulfilling the prediction in [[Psalm 115:8]]. And even if they were to succeed in making machines with human powers, they would be no closer to understanding the God who made heaven and earth nor being open to God's blessing ([[Psalm 115:15]]).
Isaiah adds to this by explicitly posing the question of whether any idol could be greater than God ([[Isaiah 44:6]] - [[Isaiah 44:20]]). Yahweh is the first, last and only God. A blacksmith or a carpenter may fashion an idol, but so what? The blacksmith still gets hungry, tired and thirsty like anyone else. The carpenter uses the same wood as his carved idol for kindling a fire to cook on! Can't he see that the wooden idol he created is a lie? (A sub-text here is that craftsmen and technologists should have a sense of humility about their work.)
Jeremiah uses a humorous picture to say much the same as Isaiah: A craftsman shapes an idol with a chisel, adorns it with silver and secures it with a nail to stop it falling over -- but it is no more powerful than a scarecrow in a melon patch! ([[Jeremiah 10:3]] - [[Jeremiah 10:5]]). Furthermore, every goldsmith should be shamed but their idols: their images are frauds; worthless objects of mockery ([[Jeremiah 10:14]]), as is everything that seeks to displace God from the centre of our worship.
== Measurement ==
Measurement is an essential component of technological development and requires its own forms of technology.
The Old Testament frequently warns against dishonest instruments or standards of measurement ([[Leviticus 19:35]] - [[Leviticus 19:36]], [[Deuteronomy 25:13]] - [[Deuteronomy 25:16]], [[Proverbs 11:1]], [[Proverbs 20:10]], [[Proverbs 20:23]], [[Amos 8:5]], [[Micah 6:11]]). Fair measurement is a pre-requisite for a just economy.
Measuring lines and plumb lines are mentioned in both literal and figurative contexts (e.g. [[2 Kings 21:13]], [[Isaiah 28:17]], [[Amos 7:7]] - [[Amos 7:8]], [[Revelation 11:1]])
== Responsibility ==The Bible records numerous census undertakings, including the Roman census that brought Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem ([[Luke 2:1]]).
[[Deuteronomy 22:8]]All these forms of measurement highlight a mindset that values quantity over quality, which is a basic foundation for technical thought.
[[Deuteronomy 19:5]]== Responsibility ==
Honest measuresTools are subservient to their user: an axe cannot raise itself above the one who swings it ([[Leviticus 19Isaiah 10:3515]]). In this context, God is wielding Assyria as a weapon against Israel and it is inappropriate for Assyria -- as the tool -- to think that they acted independently. A similar point is made in several places (e.g. [[Isaiah 29:16]], [[Isaiah 45:9]], [[Romans 9:21]]) about the relationship between a clay pot and the potter. As a more general saying, however, this verse points out that no technology is greater than it's wielder, but merely a tool in the wielder's hand. (As a side note, Jacques Ellul has argued that technology in the modern world has taken on a substantially different mode of operation in which human control plays virtually no part.)
Nevertheless, the Bible accepts that accidents will happen with technology ([[Luke 13Ecclesiastes 10:49]]) and that nobody may be at fault. One purpose of the designated "cities of refuge" was so that people could escape retribution for such accidents. [[Deuteronomy 19:5]] describes, as an example, how an axe head might fly off and kill someone. As long as there is no malice in the act, the user of technology is not to blame for unintended negative side-effects.
== Trust God rather than technology ==Jesus also makes it clear that the ''victims'' of technological accidents are not to blame, as though the accident was punishment for their personal sin ([[Luke 13:4]]).
* Tower of Babel [[Genesis 11]]* [[Exodus 20:4]]* On the other hand, we cannot simply divorce ourselves from the damage that technology may do. Israel's first OH&S policy is recorded in [[Deuteronomy 622:10]] ff, [[Deuteronomy 8:10]] ff* [[Job 28]]* [[Psalm 20:7]]* people should build a railing around their roof to prevent anyone from falling off. From this verse and [[Proverbs 18Leviticus 19:10]] f* [[Isaiah 31:1]]* [[Jeremiah 2:13]]* [[John 10:116]] , we could infer a general principle that people have a responsibility to pre- [[John 10:13]] Consider technology playing the role empt technological dangers. Modern legal interpretations of negligence and duty of thief in this parable. Technology cares nothing for care reflect the sheep. People who look for a technological shortcut into paradise will be disappointedsame idea.
== God is greater than any People in positions of power have additional responsibilities in their use of technology ==:
I guess that is true by definition since God is * The responsibility to use measuring instruments and standards fairly ([[Leviticus 19:35]] - [[Leviticus 19:36]], [[Deuteronomy 25:13]] - [[Deuteronomy 25:16]], [[Proverbs 11:1]], [[Proverbs 20:10]], [[Proverbs 20:23]], [[Amos 8:5]], [[Micah 6:11]])* The responsibility to not deprive others of the creator of all there istechnology they require to make a living. For instance, but here are [[Deuteronomy 24:6]] points out that one should not take someone's millstone as security for a few specific examples:debt.
* [[Hebrews 4:12]] == Trust God's word is sharper rather than any double-edged swordtechnology ==
In many waysAs technology advances, the temptation to believe that we can solve all our problems via technology grows stronger, and the perceived need to trust God diminishes. The tendency to overstate our independence from God is inadequate. * evident from as early as [[Luke 12:16Genesis 11]] - [[Luke 12:21]]* .., when humanity sought to "make a name for ourselves" by building a city and a tower that reached to heaven.
==Technology before In good times, it becomes easy to fool ourselves into thinking that we achieved technological Utopia by our own cleverness. [[Deuteronomy 6:10]] - [[Deuteronomy 6:12]] and after The Fall==[[Deuteronomy 8:10]] - [[Deuteronomy 8:14]] warn against forgetting the Lord in such times of prosperity. Perhaps more than ever, humanity in the 21st century thinks that our technological creations are making a perfect life for us. But in reality, we accept something far inferior to the abundant life that God intended. This is exactly what God said of the Israelites in [[Jeremiah 2:13]] -- God offers a spring of living water, but we are content with broken cisterns of our own creation.
Prior As Job tells his friends ([[Job 28]]), our many achievements do not lead to The Fallreal wisdom. Humanity mines for silver and iron, refines gold and copper, turns dark into light, digs deep for sapphires, tunnels through rocks, and explores the sources of rivers (vv1-11). But do we find wisdom (v12, v13, v20)? It cannot be bought (vv15-19) and it is hidden from the Bible does not mention eyes of any toolevery living thing (v21). "God created a world in which technology was not requiredunderstands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells" (v23). Food was readily at hand, natural shelter was provided"The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom, and health was assuredto shun evil is understanding" (v28).
We might imagine that our money makes us impregnable like a well-built castle ([[Proverbs 18:10]] - [[Proverbs 18:11]]) or that military superiority will protect us ([[Isaiah 31:1]]), but in the end security only comes from trusting God. Israel often found that by trusting God they could overcome enemies who had superior technology: walled cities ([[Deuteronomy 3:4]] - [[Deuteronomy 3:6]]), chariots ([[Judges 4:13]] - [[Judges 4:16]]) and giants with swords ([[1 Samuel 17]]).
The Lord has a day planned when all human arrogance -- lofty towers, fortified walls, trading ships, idols or silver and gold -- will be be brought low ([[Isaiah 2:12]] - [[Isaiah 2:22]]). Although this is a condemnation of arrogance rather than of technology, how often does humanity show its arrogance by seeking power and control through technology? In the end, humans are an insubstantial breath (v22).
There should be no doubt that God is greater than any technology. Everything was created by the power of God's Word. That divine Word is sharper than any double-edged sword ([[Hebrews 4:12]]) and provides the cornerstone of our faith. "Some trust in chariots [i.e. human technology] and some in horses [i.e. the natural world], but we trust in the name of the Lord our God" ([[Psalm 20:7]]).
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