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Jesus-did he come from myths?

2,722 bytes added, 18:40, 14 January 2006
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''In brief:'' In Kersey Graves' book "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors", 20 questions are asked. An attempt will be made to answer each of the following as precisely and effectively as possible. The information of this book comes from at [ this link.]

[[ 1. There were many cases of the miraculous birth of Gods reported in history before the case of Jesus Christ.]]

[[ 2. Also many other cases of Gods being born of virgin mothers.]]

[[ 3. Many of these Gods, like Christ, were (reputedly) born on the 25th of December.]]

[[ 4. Their advent into the world, like that of Jesus Christ, is in many cases claimed to have been foretold by "inspired prophets."]]

[[ 5. Stars figured at the birth of several of them, as in the case of Christ.]]

[[ 6. Also angels, shepherds, and magi, or "wise men."]]

[[ 7. Many of them, like Christ, were claimed to be of royal or princely descent.]]

[[ 8. Their lives, like his, were also threatened in infancy by the ruler of the country.]]

[[ 9. Several of them, like him, gave early proof of divinity.]]

[[ 10. And, like him, retired from the world and fasted.]]

[[ 11. Also, like him, declared, "My kingdom is not of this world."]]

[[ 12. Some of them preached a spiritual religion, too, like his.]]

[[ 13. And were "anointed with oil," like him.]]

[[ 14. Many of them, like him, were "crucified for the sins of the world."]]

[[ 15. And after three days' interment "rose from the dead."]]

[[ 16. And, finally, like him, are reported as ascending back to heaven.]]

[[ 17. The same violent convulsions of nature at the crucifixion of several are reported.]]

[[ 18. They were nearly all called "Saviors," "Son of God." "Messiah," "Redeemer," "Lord," &c.]]

[[ 19. Each one was the second member of the trinity of "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."]]

[[ 20. The doctrines of "Original Sin," "Fall of Man," "The Atonement," "The Trinity," "The Word," "Forgiveness," "An Angry God." "Future Endless Punishment," etc., etc. (see the author's "Biography of Satan,") were a part of the religion of each of these sin-atoning Gods, as found set forth in several oriental bibles and holy books," similar in character and spirit to the Christian's bible, and written, like it, by "inspired and holy men" before the time of either Christ or Moses (before Moses, in some cases, at least). All these doctrines and declarations, and many others not here enumerated, the historical citations of this work abundantly prove, were taught in various oriental heathen nations centuries before the birth of Christ, or before Christianity, as a religion, was known in the world.]]