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Hi everyone, I am a christian, but I follow a different personal view of the Trinity. This view to me is the proper view, Worship the Holy Father and believe in Jesus. I believe that Jesus is not a single God, neither is he a seperate person from the Holy Father, I believe that Jesus is a part of the Holy Father along with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Father is God, whilst Jesus is divine, but not a God alone, he is like a non seperate entity of the Holy Father but in a seperate Body. The trinity is a hard debate, but my beliefs are my beleifs and they will be questioned. I expect them to be questioned.

I have even thought of creating my own Christian group called "Reform Christianity", my own personal belief that you worship God and believe in Jesus and still talk to all three parts of the trinity in prayer. When you talk to Jesus you talk to the Holy Father, when you talk to the Holy Father your talking to Jesus. This in my opinion does not make Jesus a seperate God from the Holy Father like the trinity states in mainstream Christianity, but makes Jesus a part of God, like as if Jesus joined with God in heaven as soon as he acsended.

The real name for Jesus is Yeshua and I will also be calling more by that name from now on, I shall call him by his real name.