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! Psalm 124 - Versions
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! Psalm 124 Text (WEB)
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# {{:WEB:Psalm 124:5}}
# {{:WEB:Psalm 124:6}}
# {{:WEB:Psalm 124:7}}
# {{:WEB:Psalm 124:8}}
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! Psalm 124 Text (Hebrew)
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# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:1}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:2}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:3}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:4}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:5}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:6}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:7}}
# {{:Hebrew:Psalm 124:8}}
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! Psalm 124 Text (Greek)
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:1}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:2}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:3}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:4}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:5}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:6}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:7}}
# {{:Greek:Psalm 124:8}}
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! Psalm 124 Text (Latin)
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:1}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:2}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:3}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:4}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:5}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:6}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:7}}
# {{:Latin:Psalm 124:8}}
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! Psalm 124 Text (KJV)
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:1}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:2}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:3}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:4}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:5}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:6}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:7}}
# {{:KJV:Psalm 124:8}}
{{Infobox Contents |
topic_name = Psalm 124 |
subtopics =  |
opinion_pieces = {{short_opinions}} |
== Verses ==
{{quote | text=If it had not been Yahweh who was on our side,    let Israel now say,  [[Psalm 124 (WEB)|Full Text of Psalm 124]]}}
[[Psalm 124:1|1]] [[Psalm 124:2|2]] [[Psalm 124:3|3]] [[Psalm 124:4|4]] [[Psalm 124:5|5]] [[Psalm 124:6|6]] [[Psalm 124:7|7]] [[Psalm 124:8|8]]  
== Commentary ==
{{summary | text=}}
{{returnto}} [[Christianity]] -> [[Bible]] -> [[Psalm]]
[[Psalm 124:1|1]]
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[[Psalm 124:3|3]]  
[[Psalm 124:4|4]]  
[[Psalm 124:5|5]]
[[Psalm 124:6|6]]
[[Psalm 124:7|7]]
[[Psalm 124:8|8]]
{{returnto}} [[Psalms]]

Latest revision as of 01:58, 5 October 2008

Psalm 124 - Versions
Psalm 124 Text (WEB)
  1. If it had not been Yahweh who was on our side, let Israel now say,
  2. if it had not been Yahweh who was on our side, when men rose up against us;
  3. then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their wrath was kindled against us;
  4. then the waters would have overwhelmed us, the stream would have gone over our soul;
  5. then the proud waters would have gone over our soul.
  6. Blessed be Yahweh, who has not given us as a prey to their teeth.
  7. Our soul has escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare. The snare is broken, and we have escaped.
  8. Our help is in the name of Yahweh, who made heaven and earth. A Song of Ascents.
Psalm 124 Text (Hebrew)
  1. שיר המעלות לדוד לולי יהוה שהיה לנו יאמר־נא ישראל׃
  2. לולי יהוה שהיה לנו בקום עלינו אדם׃
  3. אזי חיים בלעונו בחרות אפם בנו׃
  4. אזי המים שטפונו נחלה עבר על־נפשנו׃
  5. אזי עבר על־נפשנו המים הזידונים׃
  6. ברוך יהוה שלא נתננו טרף לשניהם׃
  7. נפשנו כצפור נמלטה מפח יוקשים הפח נשבר ואנחנו נמלטנו׃
  8. עזרנו בשם יהוה עשה שמים וארץ׃
Psalm 124 Text (Greek)
  1. ωδη των αναβαθμων ει μη οτι κυριος ην εν ημιν ειπατω δη
  2. ει μη οτι κυριος ην εν ημιν εν τω επαναστηναι ανθρωπους εφ'
  3. αρα ζωντας αν κατεπιον ημας εν τω οργισθηναι τον θυμον αυτων εφ'
  4. αρα το υδωρ κατεποντισεν ημας χειμαρρον διηλθεν η ψυχη
  5. αρα διηλθεν η ψυχη ημων το υδωρ το
  6. ευλογητος κυριος ος ουκ εδωκεν ημας εις θηραν τοις οδουσιν
  7. η ψυχη ημων ως στρουθιον ερρυσθη εκ της παγιδος των θηρευοντων η παγις συνετριβη και ημεις
  8. η βοηθεια ημων εν ονοματι κυριου του ποιησαντος τον ουρανον και την
Psalm 124 Text (Latin)
  1. Canticum graduum. Nisi quia Dominus erat in nobis, dicat nunc Israël,
  2. nisi quia Dominus erat in nobis : cum exsurgerent homines in nos,
  3. forte vivos deglutissent nos ; cum irasceretur furor eorum in nos,
  4. forsitan aqua absorbuisset nos ;
  5. torrentem pertransivit anima nostra ; forsitan pertransisset anima nostra aquam intolerabilem.
  6. Benedictus Dominus, qui non dedit nos in captionem dentibus eorum.
  7. Anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium ; laqueus contritus est, et nos liberati sumus.
  8. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, qui fecit cælum et terram.
Psalm 124 Text (KJV)
  1. If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;
  2. If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:
  3. Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:
  4. Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:
  5. Then the proud waters had gone over our soul.
  6. Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.
  7. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.
  8. Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 124



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