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#REDIRECT [[WikiChristian:Community Portal]]
{{also}} [[Current issues]]
===''September 29, 2007''===
Anglican Church of Australia to allow women bishops in some diocese ([ SBS News])
===''September 28, 2007===
Torture of evangelical Eritrean Christians revealed ([ BBC News])
===''September 27, 2007''===
Episcopal Church of United States rejects gay bishops ([ BBC News])
===''May 24, 2007''===
[[Episcopal Bishop Robinson not invited to the 2008 Lambeth Conference (May 24, 2006)|Episcopal Bishop Robinson not invited to the 2008 Lambeth Conference]]
===''October 6, 2006''===
[[Pope Benedict XVI considers abolishing  limbo (October 6, 2006)|Pope Benedict XVI considers abolishing  limbo]]
===''January 10, 2006''===
White House criticizes comments made by televangelist Pat Robertson
[ commentary on Pat Robertson's call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez]
===''January 8, 2006''===
[[11 million may starve in the horn of Africa in coming months (January, 2005)|11 million may starve in the horn of Africa in coming months]]
===''December 20, 2005''===
[[Australian Prime Minister calls for restoration of religious meaning of Christmas (December 20, 2005)|Australian Prime Minister calls for restoration of religious meaning of Christmas]]
===''December 7, 2005''===
[[British schoolgirl told to return home for wearing crucifix (December 7, 2005)|British schoolgirl told to return home for wearing crucifix]]
===''November 20, 2005''===
[[Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury from the Global South Anglican Coaltion urging him to act against unrepentant sexual immorality (November 20, 2005)|Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury from the Global South Anglican Coaltion urging him to act against unrepentant sexual immorality]]
===''October 3, 2005''===
[[Connecticut becomes third U.S. state to allow same-sex civil unions (October 3, 2005)|Connecticut becomes third U.S. state to allow same-sex civil unions]]
===''September 11, 2005''===
[[Hurricane Katrina 2005]]
===''September 5, 2005''===
[[Indonesian Sunday School Teachers Guilty of Christianization (September 5, 2005)|Indonesian Sunday School Teachers Guilty of Christianization]]
==='August 22, 2005''===
[[New Orthodox patriach for Jerusalem (August 22, 2005)|New Orthodox patriach for Jerusalem]]
===''Auguest 21, 2005''===
[[Catholic World Youth Day 2005: One million attend open-air mass with Pope (August 21, 2005)|Catholic World Youth Day 2005: One million attend open-air mass with Pope]]
===''July 12, 2005''===
[[Chinese minister on trial for printing Bibles (July 12, 2005)|Chinese minister on trial for printing Bibles]]
===''April 29, 2005''===
[[US soldier sentenced to death for murder of two others (April 29, 2005)|US soldier sentenced to death for murder of two others]]
===''April 27, 2005''===
[[9 Australians allegedly smuggling heroin may face death penalty (April 27, 2005)|9 Australians allegedly smuggling heroin may face death penalty]]
===''April 19, 2005''===
[[Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger selected as the new Pope (April 19)|Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger selected as the new Pope]]
===''April 2, 2005''===
[[Pope John Paul II dies (April 2, 2005)|Pope John Paul II dies]]
===''April 1, 2005''===
[[Pope near death (April 1, 2005)|Pope near death]]
===''February 25, 2005''===
[[The pope undergoes a tracheotomy due to worsening respiratory failure secondary to the "flu"]]
[[United States and Canadian Anglican dioceses asked to split from the world-wide Anglican communion over the issue of homosexual unions and priests]]
===''February 5, 2005''===
The pope is recovering in hospital following a severe case of the "flu"
{{returnto}} [[Christianity]]

Latest revision as of 12:53, 31 October 2008