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User talk:Aquatiki

663 bytes added, 10:14, 2 November 2008
Howdy: thanks
:: I'm fine too. Classical guitar! Wow! I play chords on the guitar, so I know how hard classical guitar is. It's kind of fun practicing though. Cool, I'm glad you'll have some time at your hospital. My college year is ending up in two weeks - a few more essays and exams and then I'll be more free too - still have hospital work and church work though, but both are only part time. I've noticed Hebrew is really getting going on RW. It's looking really good. You must be learning a lot. I always thought it looked like a hard language - I mean, no vowels and reading right to left! There was an interesting article on the BBC the other day about some really old (possibly) Hebrew writing being found - it was a pretty short article though. I bet election fever is big. Good luck to whichever man wins and may God use him for the betterment of your country and the world. I think almost all Australians are betting on an Obama win - most of us over here like the idea of a black man as president, plus the Iraq war, which our government supported, was very unpopular here. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see who wins. I'm sure they'll both do a good job though. The weather starting to warm up down this way. Life is generally pretty nice at the moment. Not much is really happening around this part of the world. My son turned 1 a couple months ago and he's now walking, running, falling and kicking balls - lots of fun and lots and lots of energy. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 02:01, 2 November 2008 (PST)
::: Thanks for touching base. Does this mean you will join a practice somewhere? Hebrew is ''extremely'' hard (this from a man who went to high school in Korea, and had to learn the language). It's even worse to do it in mixed English, the left-to-right right-to-left mess is horrible. Obama's gonna make homosexuality and abortion 100 times more normal in America, though I like his oratory. Summer must be nice, it's all rain here in Seattle. My two year old and I answered the door for Halloween: it was fun. My four year old is Autistic and didn't get it. ... time to go find some EBD's! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 02:14, 2 November 2008 (PST)

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