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Becoming a Christian

1,146 bytes removed, 02:42, 18 April 2006
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{{quote | cellspacingtext="3" cellpadding="3"|- valign="top"|width="100%" class="MainPageBG" style="border: 1px solid #ffddc0; color: #000; background-color: #ffffee"|''Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God... ( [[John]] 1: 12-13)''|]]}}
{{summary | text=To become a [[Christian]], you must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that [[Jesus Christ]] is [[Lord]]. When you accept the fact that you have disobeyed [[God]], but also accept Jesus' death on the cross as punishment for your [[sin]]s (in your place and on your behalf), you have become a Christian. Believing that Jesus is Lord means believing that he is sovereign over every aspect of your life and trying to live accordingly.}}
''In brief,'' to become a Christian, you must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. When you accept the fact that you have disobeyed God, but also accept Jesus' death on the cross as punishment for your sins (in your place and on your behalf), you have become a Christian. In doing so, you will live forever. Believing that Jesus is Lord means glorifying Him and trying to learn what pleases Him. God will forgive you when you make mistakes because Jesus took your punishment for those mistakes, but if you are truly serving Him then you will also want to try to do His will.{{overview}}
* [[Repentance]] | [[Grace]]
* [[Baptism]] | [[Born again]]
* [[Important Christian beliefs]]
* [[Testimonies]]
* [[Finding a Church]]
'''Thoughts and opinions on becoming a Christian'''* {{returnto}} [[To become a Christian you must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord]]* [[WikiChristian: Beliefs]]* [[How to be saved (Compass)]]* [[Comments on becoming a Christian]]  '''See also'''* [[Salvation]]* [[Important Christian doctrines and beliefs]]* [[Repentance]]* [[Faith]]* [[Justification, salvation and grace]]* [[Born again]]  '''Testimonies'''* [[Biblical stories of people turning to Christ]]* [[Other accounts of people turning to Christ]]  '''Quotes'''* [[Bible quotes about becoming a Christian]]* [[Quotes about becoming a Christian]]  '''External Links'''* [ Message of Salvation]* [ How to Become A Christian]* Read the message of salvation in [ 74 languages]* [ WHO IS JESUS-Really?]  ----  Return to [[The essence Essence of Christianity]] contents page
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