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Historical evidence of Jesus Christ

283 bytes added, 01:00, 2 September 2007
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{{quote | text=I am an historian, I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history. (H.G. Wells)}}
{{summary | text=Many historians (including non-Christian historians) agree that there is good historical evidence of the life and crucifixion of [[Jesus]]. Apart from the [[Bible]], there are numerous mentions of Jesus in historical texts. But perhaps most compelling that Jesus existed is that fact that just a few short years after his death, thousands of people were boldly proclaiming his name and were willing to die throughout the Roman Empire.}}
{{topics}}* [[Historical accuracy of the Bible]]
* [[Evidence of the resurrection of Christ (G. Jensen)]]
{{quotes}}[[Evidence of the resurrection of Christ (G. Jensen)]] ==Main article== Many historians (including non-Christian historians) agree that there is good historical evidence of the life and crucifixion of [[Jesus]]. Apart from the [[Bible]], there are numerous mentions of Jesus in historical texts. But perhaps most compelling that Jesus existed is that fact that just a few short years after his death, thousands of people were boldly proclaiming his name and were willing to die throughout the Roman Empire. ==Quotes== ==Links==
{{returnto}} [[Jesus Christ]] | [[Historical accuracy of the Bible]]