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24 bytes removed, 08:10, 15 October 2008
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If you feel like you don't have the time to cover the material or feel you need additional professional help I do provide a contact email at the bottom of the page so you can get in contact with me. My name is Ken and I can be reached at kendemyerATgmailDOTcom
==Average Non-Technical People Creating Websites to Spread Christianity or other worthy messages==
I created this resource to help Christian website owners gain more internet traffic so they could more effectively reach greater number of people in regards to refuting false worldviews and so they could reach more people with information on why Christianity is true. However, I quickly came to realize via some non-technical Christian friends of mine that there were people who don't know how to create websites that were interested in using the internet to spread Christianity and other information, but felt that creating a website would be too difficult for them to learn within a reasonable amount of time or too difficult for them to learn period.