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Carey Grant

84 bytes removed, 20:47, 18 September 2009
Christian Testimony
He knows That The Lord has given Him Some Amazing New Friends.
He knows that The Lord's 1st in His life because without His Presence; He would not even have this new sense of Hope, Healing & Dignity.
He knows that Talking with People is Good, just Talking with Someone can Dismantle the Smallest or Largest Issues; especially if they are reputable and have been where You've been.
Help is sometimes only "A PHONE CALL AWAY" !
He knows that this Peace is for anyone who will take the Step out of whatever resistance
They have and walk towards the Lord;
He want's to cover us with Prayer from others Who know Him & You can read the Bible together.
We feed our bodies with food, we Drink Water, We Exercise, We can't live in isolation, Plants need the Sun, We need the Sun too, we need Jesus the Son of God!
If we don't, we our soul's can spirtually die or get sick, unhealthy. the same thing happens when You don't got to feed Your Soul.
Singing to him, worshipping Him, reading the bible, prayer closet, the Kitchen table looking out at the sunrise , or the Chapel, listening to Christian CD's, going to a church where the Lord is, a Christian Rock Concert ... and many other ways ...
The Bible is a Sacred Book that when read, especially in The Lord's Presence, in the right atmosphere ...

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