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What is an apostle? (Anon)

1 byte removed, 03:02, 24 September 2008
Spelling mistake fixed
==Has apostleship ceased?==
There are those Christians who believe that all the supernatural ministries of the New Testament came to an end when the canon of scripture was complete. This is an honourable position, but not one that I share. The view, known as ''cessationism'', is based on a particular interpretation of [[1 Corinthians 13:10]] - 'But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away'. The Greek word for perfect has the meaning of complete, that is fullfilling its designed role. A perfect toaster may not look pretty and you might have to push the levers to get the toast out, but it is perfect, it makes toast. The assumption is that '''perfect''' is referencing scripture in [[1 Corinithians Corinthians 13:10]] as being complete. If read in context it is more likely it is the the kingdom to come that is complete or perfect.
If we allow that gifts of the Spirit, such as tongues and prophecy, exist today, then some Christians are puzzled by where to draw a line between ministries available today and those not. For example, the five-fold ministry of [[Ephesians 4:11]]; apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. There are some Christians who separate the first two ministries as no longer available. Those convinced of the currency of tongues and prophecy have a tendency to draw a line after the first ministry. But an increasing number of Christians are realising that no line should be drawn at all. There is no justification from the passage for supposing that some ministries are available today and some not. Therefore, we can conclude that apostleship is a ministry available today.