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WikiChristian Vision

Revision as of 08:53, 11 September 2015 by Prab (talk | contribs)

WikiChristian is both an encyclopedia and a wiki community with Christian conservative world view. WikiChristian is set up with the belief that every Christian, regardless of age, race, education, and gender has something of value to offer! Unfortunately due to enormous amounts of spam in recent years it became untenable to maintain the wiki as an open wiki that anyone could edit, thus editing rights are currently restricted but we hope that significant editing restrictions does not become a permanent state of affairs.

With time we particularly hope to see WikiChristian become an incredibly useful reference on any topic related to Christianity. It's articles do not need to be of a neutral point of view (personal opinions can be voiced), as long as the author of the article makes it clear what his or her background is. For guidance though on the slant of this wiki please do see our Page Layout and Writing Guide and Statement of Faith pages.

WikiChristian intends to be a reference point for factual information, original texts, Bible versions, dictionaries, song lyrics and personal testimonies of Christians. We intend to create a wiki community of Christians from around the globe who can voice their views, share their ideas and help others understand Christianity and its principles!

Simply - WikiChristian wants to represent, document and link everything related to Christianity but from the perspective of the world's committed Christians with conservative Christian world view!

WikiChristian Vision

Our Vision For WikiChristian is that it brings glory to God and his Son Jesus through the Spirit-led sharing of the Christian faith via the internet to people throughout the world.

We desire to share the truth that God has revealed in the Bible in a way that enriches the hearts and minds of our users. We aim to share knowledge about all things connected to the Christian faith in a way that educates and informs people who are both non-Christian and Christian, well educated and not so well educated, and young and old.

We hope our information is presented in a way that is kind, compassionate and loving but also clear, authentic and confident in Biblical truth. We hope to have writers and editors who are passionate about Jesus and who have thought about and studied carefully the issues of faith that they write about and edit. We hope that our articles are useful for both the theologically trained and for those who have no formal theological training.

Most importantly, we hope that God is honored in this project of WikiChristian.

Prab and Graham, Founders of WikiChristian.


Note to users: The wiki is currently operating in safe mode. Editing is limited to users with certain privileges in order to deal with spam. You can create a new user account, and confirm your email ID in order to obtain ability to edit pages. Learn how to be an editor or sysop at WikiChristian.