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WikiChristian needs your help!

Revision as of 23:40, 16 September 2015 by Graham grove (talk | contribs) (Spelling correction)

Dear all,

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. We're writing this letter to update you on WikiChristian and ask you to consider helping out as this project tries to reignite. Sorry about the length of the letter but we really wanted you to have a chance to understand the history of WikiChristian and where we are now.

Since starting the WikiChristian project in 2004, WikiChristian has gone through a lot of changes. Here is a recap:

As you may be aware, the two co-founders of WikiChristian happen to be practicing physicians in different parts of the world whom the Lord brought together when we first started the project. Initially we had the 5 to 6 years of a very active growth phase with a significant growth in terms of very useful user contributed content from a wide variety of users.

Then came the spammers who nearly choked the capacity of the server making it impossible to manually revert all the changes bringing WikiChristian to a virtual standstill. About 2 years ago, we decided to keep the project dormant until we figure out a solution on how to delete all the spam content and bot created users.

In the beginning of September, one of the co-founders of WikiChristian, Graham Grove, took the initiative in reconnecting with the founder and administrator of WikiChristian, Prab R. Tumpati. After many emails and considerable thought, Prab and Graham decided to find a way to clean up the database, delete all the spam and re-start working on a clean WikiChristian project again. We also decided we needed to upgrade to a newer version of the mediawiki software.

After working on the server for about a week, with some help from the tech support team at the dedicated server hosting company, Prab was able to delete almost all of the spam user accounts leaving about 600 of the user accounts which were thought be legitimate.

We were also able to use some automated scripts to help clean up the database and delete almost all of the bot created content. As a result, the size of the database went down from about 20 gb to about 3 gb. (At some point at the peak of of the spam, the database swelled to 600 gb when it was restored to an earlier version of the database with 20 gb after it crashed the server couple of years ago).

We also were able to successfully upgrade the mediawiki software to a newer version of the software.

We are now sending this email to you to see if you would re-consider joining the WikiChristian team and start contributing to the project again. We believe that this project has tremendous potential in helping reach the un-reached millions as well as to be a resource for discipleship and ministry for those who know and love Jesus.

We encourage those that are interested in being active contributors to respond to this email detailing their interest, full name, and a brief testimonial so we know who they are. If you wish, please include any information about areas of Christian study that particularly interest you, any formal theological training you might have had, and some information about any other ministry (both as a volunteer or in a paid capacity) that you are involved in.

Once reviewed and approved, we will offer editing rights to those that are selected. We know that this type of editor restriction is not in the full spirit of wikis however we have considered this prayerfully and believe this is the right way to keep the WikiChristian project free of spam and ensure that editors are committed Christian.

We have now started updating the look and feel of the site and added some new features including daily devotions, Christian News, and a video of the week. We encourage user feedback and any ideas for new content from all of you.

If you are interested in becoming involved in WikiChristian again but are unsure of anything, browse the site again and spend some time looking at WikiChristian Statement of Faith, its Vision and its about page.

As Prab and Graham have thought about it, we have come to the opinion that we particularly need help with the following:

  • Video of the Week Section: Two or three people to regularly update the Video of the Week
  • News Section: Two or three people to regularly update the News links
  • A number of Cooordinating Editors to take "ownership" of certain large sections
    • New Testament Studies: One or two people to focus on articles related to themes of the New Testament, the life and teaching of Jesus and the books of the New Testament
    • Old Testament Studies: One or two people to focus on articles related to Old Testament Themes, the ancient nation of Israel and the historical context of the time and the books of the Old Testament
    • Church History and Denominations - One or two people focussing on major trends in the church history and significant events and individuals
    • Koine Greek Studies
    • Biblical Hebrew Studies
    • Doctrine and Theology Studies
    • Mission and Evangelism Studies - One or two people focussing on understanding other religions and world-views, demographics trends and witnessing to others
    • Christian Music
    • Bible Commentary: 10 to 20 people, ideally those involved in preaching, involved in developing a comprehensive Bible Commentary

Thank you for taking the time to read this long letter. We know it has been a long-time that WikiChristian has been dormant but we hope and pray that you would consider joining forces again for the study and proclamation of the gospel through WikiChristian.

As co-founders of WikiChristian, Prab and Graham are committed to keeping the project free of any commercial bias and we declare we have no commercial interest in this project other than glorifying God, training disciples and helping reach out to the un-reached.

Those users that are interested in becoming sysops at WikiChristian, please send an email to both Prab (ptumpati@ and [email protected]. au) (antispam, remove spaces) with your full name, email address, and a brief testimonial, your area of interest, and we will get back to you via email promptly. Please respond to this email if you would like to join the key team of editors with admin privileges on WikiChristian again.

Thank you


Prab R Tumpati, MD and

Graham Grove, MD

Co-founders of


Note to users: The wiki is currently operating in safe mode. Editing is limited to users with certain privileges in order to deal with spam. You can create a new user account, and confirm your email ID in order to obtain ability to edit pages. Learn how to be an editor or sysop at WikiChristian.