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Arianism is the denial that Jesus is God, and the belief that Jesus was a created being. This Christological heresy is named after Arius, a proponent of it in the early Christian Church. The First Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) condemned Arianism.


Related topics

Comments, Personal Articles, Studies and Sermons

Arianism (discussion) (For short comments and opinions)

For related quotations see Arianism (quotes)

Main article

Arianism is the denial that Jesus is God, and the belief that Jesus was a created being. This Christological heresy is named after Arius, a proponent of it in the early Christian Church who taught that the Son is a divine being, created by the Father. The First Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) condemned Arianism.

Early history

Arianism today

There are many sects and religious offshoots of Christianity today that are Arian. Some of these include the Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphianism

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