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Apostolic Succession

Revision as of 23:52, 1 July 2007 by Muser (talk | contribs)


The doctrine of Apostolic Succession maintains that the church today is the spiritual successor to the original body of believers in Christ composed of the Apostles. Different Christian denominations interpret this doctrine in different ways. Specifically in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, the Apostolic Succession as passed on through the Apostle Peter is also the basis for the specific claim of the authority of the pope. Within the Anglican Communion this is seen more as a symbolic precedence, not unlike the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople. In any event, all these communions recognize the doctrine of Apostolic Succession.


Comments, Personal Articles, Studies and Sermons

Apostolic Succession (discussion) (For short comments and opinions)

For related quotations see Apostolic Succession (quotes)

Main article

The doctrine of Apostolic Succession maintains that the church today is the spiritual successor to the original body of believers in Christ composed of the Apostles. Different Christian denominations interpret this doctrine in different ways. Specifically in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, the Apostolic Succession as passed on through the Apostle Peter is also the basis for the specific claim of the authority of the pope. Within the Anglican Communion this is seen more as a symbolic precedence, not unlike the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople. In any event, all these communions recognize the doctrine of Apostolic Succession.




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