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How to use The Bible

Revision as of 06:41, 5 June 2008 by Kathleen.wright5 (talk | contribs) (Removed - Category:Cleanup)
State of Mind Verse(s) to Read WikiChristian KJV
When in sorrow Read John 14 John 14
When other people fail you Read Psalm 27 Psalms 27
When you have sinned Read Psalm 51 Psalm 51
When you worry Read Matthew 6: 19-34 Matthew 6:19-34
When you are in danger Read Psalm 91 Psalm 91
If you have the blues Read Psalm 34 Psalm 34
When God seems far away Read Psalm 139 Psalm 139
If you are discouraged Read Isaiah 40 Isaiah 40
If you are lonely or fearful Read Psalm 23 Psalm 23
If you feel down and out Read Romans 8: 35-39 or Luke 11: 9-10 Romans 8:35-39 or Luke 11:9-10
When you want courage for your task Read Job 23: 8-14 Job 23:8-14
When looking for true devotion Read Titus 2: 11-14 Titus 2:11-14
When leaving home for labor or travel Read Psalm 121 or 107: 23-31 Psalm 121 or 107:23-31
When the world seems bigger than God Read Psalm 90 Psalm 90
When you are burdened with trials Read 1 Peter 4: 12-13 1 Peter 4:12-13
If suffering under a sickness Read James 5: 13-16 James 5:13-16
If thinking of investments and returns Read Mark 10: 17-31 or Luke 12: 16-34 Mark 10:17-31 or Luke 12:16-34
For a great invitation or opportunity Read Isaiah 55 Isaiah 55
If you get bitter or critical Read 1 Corinthians 13 1 Corinthians 13
When you want rest and peace Read Matthew 11: 25-30 Matthew 11:25-30
If you need to sleep Read Psalm 42: 7-8 Psalm 42:7-8

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