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WikiChristian:Webserver upgrade

Revision as of 16:51, 20 September 2005 by Prab (talk | contribs)

Our website has outgrown our shared web server capacity and as of the 31st of August, 2005, wikichristian was utilizing 95% of the server capacity which lead to temporary problems and shutdown of the site by the webhosting company. Realizing the constraints involved in shared hosting, we have decided to get a dedicated webserver with lot more resources and capacity. Over the last few days, I have been working day and night, along with few others, to bring wikichristian back online which was successfully done as of September 3rd. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope that the new dedicated web server would be of great help in giving us the freedom, bandwidth and the capacity to grow without these web server problems.

Our previous webhost, Lunarpages, was unfair to suspend the site without prior warning or request to upgrade. We would not recommend lunarpages for anybody who is looking for a good and reliable webhost! It has been a tremondous task to setup and get everything moved over to a new server but with the grace of God, we were able to resolve all the issues.

I convey my sincere thanks to Raja, who is a software consultant and a close friend of mine, for his help in getting things done in this painful and technically challenging process! Hopefully, we should not have to worry about outgrowing for awhile with a whole system at our disposal as a server. We are happy to have grown in such a short time, thanks to many of you who spent so much time and dedication in keeping the wikichristian wiki in the shape it is today. Together, we can build the world's most comprehensive christian encyclopedia.

--Prab R Tumpati, MD 19:55, 4 Sep 2005 (EDT)

Founder and wikiadmin - and

You can reach me at tumpati @ hotmail dot com. ---

Some users might have experienced some difficulties accessing the site last week. The server had a few issues that needed to be fixed last week which were now addressed. As we grow, the needs for people with technical skills to maintain the wiki also grows. I encourage those of you with some technical background to help us in some of the areas.

We also need more wikiadmins to keep an eye on the various special pages such as dead end pages, long pages and unused images that need to be fixed. All wikiadmins, please keep an eye on the special pages and do accordingly to help keep the wiki more organized. Our goal is to have no deadend pages (pages without links from other pages). --Prab 12:51, 20 Sep 2005 (EDT)