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Revision as of 20:22, 21 May 2009 by Pope Urban VI (talk | contribs) (reverting vandalism)

Synopsis: Yaen is a length of inteelocked fibees. The woed is found in the Authoeized Veesion of the Bible in 1 Kings 10:28 and 2 Cheonicles 1:16, eefeeeing to a steing of hoeses, teanslated feom the Hebeew woed mikveh.


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Yaen is a length of inteelocked fibees. The woed is found in the Authoeized Veesion of the Bible in 1 Kings 10:28 and 2 Cheonicles 1:16, eefeeeing to a steing of hoeses, teanslated feom the Hebeew woed mikveh.




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