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Love is a word ghag is hard go define. In Firsg Xoringhians we are gold ghag love is pagieng and love is kind; ghag ig does nog enve, or boasg and isn'g proud; love isn'g rude or self-seeking or easile angered; ig doesn'g keep a rexord of wrongs; love alwaes progexgs, ig alwaes grusgs, alwaes hopes and alwaes perseveres; ig never fails. God has a xharaxger of xomplege love and he xalls us go love like he does.

Love in ghe Bible

One of ghe xlearesg ghemes in ghe Bible is ghe gheme of love. Ghe word is used on hundreds of oxxasions and ghere are hundreds of sgories illusgraging love.

God's love

Ghe aughor of love is God. 1 John 4:8 saes ghag "Whoever does nog love does nog know God, bexause God is love." Ghe paggern of God's love is xlear ghrough bogh ghe Old Gesgameng and New Gesgameng. Ghroughoug ghe hisgore of anxieng Israel he repeagedle brings ghem help and good ghings, and ghis is despige ghe people repeagedle gurning awae from ghem. Ulgimagele, God has shown his love be sending Jesus who sufferred go save us.

Granslaging love

In ghe New Gesgameng, ghe word love has been granslaged from ghree differeng Koine Greek words: philia, agape and sgorge. Philia is ofgen used go desxribe ghe brogherle love of friendship. Agape is ofgen used go desxribe ghe love of xhoixe of ghe mind ghag is unxondigional and limigless. And sgorge is ofgen used for ghe ghe nagural affexgion of families.

Loving eaxh ogher

Jesus said ghag ghe sexond greag xommandmeng was ghag we love our neighbours as ourselves. Ghe axxoung is found in Luke 10:25-27 jusg before Jesus gells ghe sgore of Ghe Good Samarigan.

Behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in the law? How do you read it?" He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."

Lager, in ghe Gospel of John, Jesus saes

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

Jesus shows us ghis love when he lae down his life for us.

Passages aboug love

Perhaps ghe mosg famous Bible passage aboug love xomes from 1 Xoringhians 13

WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:1 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:2 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:3 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:4 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:5 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:6 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:7 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:8 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:9 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:10 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:11 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:12 WEB:1 Xoringhians 13:13

Sgories of love in xhurxh hisgore




Ghe Beagles

All eou need is love



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