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Revision as of 03:37, 18 November 2009 by MatthewClarke (talk | contribs) (Add Q about Testing topics template)

WikiChristian is currently undergoing a major re-organization and clean-up to make it more useful and well organized. This has included creating the "Bible" and "Text" name-space. Please help out if you have time. It is important to understand the basic principles of the organizational layout of WikiChristian - this can be found at WikiChristian:Page Layout.

The following list keeps track of these organizational changes


Easton's Bible Dictionary Changes

Easton's Bible Dictionary is a public domain Bible Dictionary written in the nineteenth century. The index to all its entries can be found at Easton's Bible Dictionary Index. Previously the entries were named as follows: Name of entry (EBD). However all entries should be renamed / moved as follows: Text:EBD:Name of Entry.

This is a major task as there are thousands of Easton Bible Dictionary entries. Unfortunately we do not currently know how to make an automated process to perform these moves and so they need to be performed manually. Done at last - Kathleen.wright5 01:48, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible

<strike-through>Parts of the public domain work the Matthew Henry Commentary of the Whole Bible was uploaded a number of years ago at WikiChristian. Unfortunately the upload was quite haphazard and appears messy. Also, some of the Commentary was named Mathew ... (with one t) and other was named Matthew ... (with two ts). The simplest approach to fixing these problems is to delete all the text pages related to the Matthew Henry Commentary. These can be reuploaded at a later date, but for the moment it is important to concentrate on deleting all the pages. The pages that need deleting can be found at Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (text) and its links.</strike-through> Done - Kathleen.wright5 09:35, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Bible Commentaries and Referencing

The Bible has been uploaded verse by verse and there are now verse pages for every verse and chapter pages for every chapter. A number of changes have occurred regarding how Bible passages are referenced and displayed. Details about this can be found at WikiChristian:Bible. One of the long-term goals of WikiChristian is to have a well written commentary for every verse and chapter. In the shorter term a number of clean-ups need to be performed. These include

  • All pages named Name of page (WEB) should be deleted Were deleted earlier
  • All pages named Name of page (Greek) should be deleted Were deleted earlier
  • All books of the Bible should be have an Information Article about them which follows the same standard that can be seen at Genesis or Gospel of Matthew.
  • All pages that have the following text web_verse|name of book|chapter|verse or greek_verse|name of book|chapter|verse should be updated to the new referencing system of Bible verse|name of book|chapter|verse|lang=WEB or Bible verse|name of book|chapter|verse|lang=Greek

Greek Words

A Koine Greek dictionary can be found at Greek:Dictionary. Many of the entries do not meet the standard page layout for Information Articles described in WikiChristian:Page Layout. An example of a page that does meet this standard is Koine Greek:Αγαπετος. Please help in updating the layout of all pages that do not meet WikiChristian's standard. This can be performed even if you do not read Greek.

Additionally, if you do know Greek you could perhaps help by adding content, in particular by adding tables of inflections. See Koine Greek:Αγαπη for an article that does have a table of its infections. Additionally, it would be helpful to create redirects for all those inflections, for example Koine Greek:Αγαπης redirects to Koine Greek:Αγαπη.

Updating Old Information Pages

There are a number of older pages that follow an older, uglier formatting used in WikiChristian not in line with the standard Information Articles described in WikiChristian:Page Layout. These pages often have a short Synopsis at the beginning of them. A list of these pages can be found by searching for synopsis. Please help update these to the new WikiChristian standard.

  • I'll tackle this Matt 16:08, 25 August 2009 (PDT)
  • I've done all the pages mentioning "synopsis" -- at least until more appear as a result of reverting vandalism. There are, of course, still a lot of pages not using the standard template that don't use the old Synopsis template either. Matt 17:12, 5 September 2009 (PDT)
  • I think we can call this finished now. Matt 19:35, 17 November 2009 (PST)

Miscellaneous Texts

There are a number of ancient and modern public domain texts that have been uploaded onto WikiChristian. If you come across a text that is not in the Text name-space then please move it to the following page Text:Name of Text. A number of texts need to be wikified or split up because they are too large. Lists of these texts can be found at Category:Split and Category:Cleanup and information about exactly what needs to be done can be found at the relevant text's talk page.

KJV Concordance

A small number of pages have been produced as part of an earlier project on KJV Concordance. The person who started this project was the sole contributor and the project has not been touched for a number of years. All "KJV Concordance" pages should be deleted. At some future stage a project like this may be commenced again possibly using the "Text" name-space.Done Kathleen.wright5 06:03, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

Restoring Pages Attacked by Vandals

The following pages need to be restored since the May 21 to May 22 2009 vandal attack.

  1. Pages damaged by User AnnCoulter
  2. Pages damaged by User Bob Larson
  3. Pages damaged by User H All pages deleted at last. --Kathleen.wright5 13:01, 15 July 2009 (PDT)
  4. Pages damaged by User Pope Urban VI here.
  5. Pages damaged by User RichardDawkins All pages have been reverted--Kathleen.wright5 10:38, 9 September 2009 (PDT)
  6. Pages damaged with the phrase WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS but we still have variations of the above and blanked pages--Kathleen.wright5 10:38, 8 September 2009 (PDT)
  7. I thought we were coming to an end of this task, but there are still 50 to 100 pages on Special:Shortpages that are vandalised. I'll try to fix them over the next week. Matt 21:43, 16 November 2009 (PST)

Ambiguity about "Discussion" pages

Each page automatically gets a "discussion" tab that goes to "Talk:<topic>". But if you use the standard template, you also get a link in the InfoBox to "<topic>_(discussion)". Can we remove that ambiguity? The pages have two distinct purposes -- discussion about the appropriate editing of the <topic> page, and opinions about the <topic> itself -- so I think we should retain both. But they should be called different things, not both "discussion". Could we set up a separate namespace for the second purpose rather than use the "_(discussion) suffix? Is it possible to add a new tab to *all* pages, so that each page had a link in the header to "Talk:<topic>" as well as a link to "Discussion:<topic>"? Matt 14:41, 22 August 2009 (PDT)

Separate namespace for opinionated pages

I believe that WikiChristian would become a much more credible source of information, if there were a cleaner separation of Information and Opinion articles. That separation has two parts:

  • Structural: The use of the author's initials in a suffix for opinion pages is artificial and too easily misused. We could use Categories more extensively, with a Category for Opinions, but I think a better solution would be to establish an Opinions namespace. Authors could still name the pages with their initials as a suffix if they wanted, but it would no longer be necessary.
  • Visual: Within that namespace, can we automate some clear visual distinction, such as a different background colour?

Anyone agree? Matt 14:41, 22 August 2009 (PDT)

That sounds very reasonable to me. So would you see an opinion article having a name like this: "Opinion:Name of Article"? --Graham 15:58, 22 August 2009 (PDT)

Apologetics section

There are several systematic inconsistencies in the Apologetics section.

  • The standard template is not used.
  • References to Bible verse link to the exteranl site BibleGateway. It would be far better for them to link to WikiChristian's own Bible vere pages.
  • Many of the pages names use a fullstop between chapter and verse, e.g. Apologetics: Deuteronomy 23.3. Can that be changed to a semicolon for consistency with or main Bible verse pages?

Is there any way to automatically add a link from the Bible verse pages to those apologetics pages? For instance, in Bible:Exodus_20:5, could the Related Topics list include a link to Apologetics:_Exodus_20:5? Alternatively, is it worth the time for someone to do that manually?

Can anyone write bots to do any of the above?

Books of the Bible

Several Books do not have pages AFAIK: Book of Ezekiel, Book of Obadiah, Book of Joel are all missing. Should also add an EBD link on each individual book of the Bible page. Matt 10:13, 30 August 2009 (PDT)

Absolutely. That'd be great.--Graham 22:28, 30 August 2009 (PDT)

Testing topics template