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For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

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Welcome to WikiChristian, and open content Christian encyclopedia and discussion forum for all Christians to share their faith, currently with 4,153 articles. The previous main page can be found at Main Page/Archive.

Christianity is the world's most widely practiced religion and although it has many denominations and great diversity, all Christians are united in Jesus Christ. At the heart of Christianity is a loving creator God who is also our redeemer. (Read more)

Sunrise at Mount Sinai in Egypt. It was in this region that God revealed himself to Moses and showed his love and grace with the statement "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and the slavery" in Exodus 20:2.

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A Beutiful Daisy Flower

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