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1 byte removed, 03:45, 22 May 2009
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Religioᦶneligion; is a word difficult to define. It refers to the beliefs concerning an object or person considered to be [[supernatural]] or [[divine]], and the [[moral]] values and rituals associated with such belief.
Many people believe that a supreme being ([[God]]) exists but that he is essentially unknowable. This is known as [[agnosticism]]. Other people believe that there is no such thing as a God, a view known as [[atheism]]. Other people believe there is one God who has revealed information about himself to humanity, and this view is known as [[monotheism]]. Some of the most well known monotheistic religions are [[Christianity]] and [[Islam]]. Many people believe that there are many divine beings or gods, a view called [[polytheism]]. [[Hinduism]] is the most well known polytheistic religion.