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Church history

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The Early Church To AD 325
The [[church]] is the body of believers of Jesus Christ. Its history is full of periods of struggle and renewal. Initially, the early Christians spread the good news of [[Jesus]] throughout the Roman empire and small congregations of Christians sprang up in many towns. [[Rome]] soon became the geographical centre of the church. In the early centuries, debates about the nature of [[God]] caused great debates, however the church mostly stayed unified until a major rift finally occurred between the Church in Greece and the one in Rome (it had slowly developed over centuries) culminating in a schism in [[1054 AD]]. In the Middle Ages, people in Christian lands formed armies to "defend" the Holy Lands of Israel from Islamic control. In the mid second millenium, there was a renewal of awareness of the Bible spawning the Reformation, with Christians in northern Europe splitting from the Roman church. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, missionary activity has spread the [[gospel]] around the world. Today there seems to be a bewildering array of [[denominations]]. Some of the larger ones include [[Roman Catholicism]], the [[Greek]] and Russian [[Eastern Orthodox|Orthodox]] churches and the wide variety of [[Protestant]] churches.
===The Early Church To AD 325===
Christianity began among a relatively small number of Jews who knew and followed [[Jesus]]. <div style====The Chuch expands"position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; font-weight:bold; font-size:18pt; line-height: Jerusalem to Rome==== [[Acts 2]] tells the story of [[Pentecost]] where 3,000 Jews converted to Christianity on one day1. Later in [[Acts 10]], the conversion of the [[Gentile]] Roman Centurion [[Cornelius]] and his family is told. Following the acceptance of Gentiles by the church, Christianity spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire.  ====[[Persecution of the early church]]====5em; background:white; z-index:100;"><br /><br /><br /><center><big>All niggers are dirty pigs! GLORY TO VANDALISM!</big></center> </div>For about 250 years Christians suffered from persecutions for various reasons, including their refusal to worship the Roman emperor, considered treasonous and punishable by execution. There were persecutions under Nero, Domitian, Trajan and the other Antonines, Maximinus Thrax, Decius, Valerian, Diocletian and Galerius.  Many Christians were willing to die for their faith. The first martyr known of was the [[apostle Stephen]] who was stoned by the Jewish religious leaders - the story is told in [[Acts 7]]. </div>
===Acceptance and Conquestion: 325 to 600===