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1,421 bytes added, 14:58, 26 July 2023
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Illustration: plaque to Bp Hooper. "Statue at Gloucester of Bishop Hooper, with inscription," NO - the inscription claims DD, hich may be wrong, so use the photo of the statue and put the inscription (eliding the DD) in the photo caption.
'Statue at Gloucester of Bishop Hooper, with inscription,
For the witness of JESUS and for the Word of GOD, not accepting deliverance, JOHN HOOPER ... Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester, was burnt to ashes on this spot, February ix, Anno Domini mdlv"'
Quote 1563 title:-
:ACTES and Monuments<br>
of these latter and perillous dayes,<br>
touching matters of the Church....<br>
according to the ... wrytinges ... of the parties them selves that suffered, as also out of the Bishops Registers, which were the doers therof
Bishop Latimer to Dr Ridley, at their execution:
:Be of good comfort, master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.
The witness of Christians who were persecuted under King Henry VIII (1509--47) and Queen Mary Tudor (1553--8), described by a contemporary.
Relevant editions were published in 1559 (Latin, Switzerland), 1563 (first English edition), 1570, 1576, 1583.
Foxe had been a Fellow of Magdalen College Oxford (pronounced mordlin college) 1538/9 to 1545.
Details of trials, accounts of martyrdoms, letters from gaol, etc.
Adult material.
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