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Historical accuracy of the Bible

455 bytes removed, 00:00, 27 November 2009
''Synopsis:'' This question {{Infobox_Contents |topic_name = The Historical Accuracy of Biblical historical accuracy sparks great debate. Most evangelical and conservative Christians believe in the Bible|subtopics = [[Biblical inerrancy - indeed]], the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy that all scripture is God-breathed. [[Biblical inerrancy implies that the Bible is without error - however, sometimes the Bible speaks in poetry or with parables - and although great truths are found in these parts, they do not necessarily speak infallibility]]* [[Historical evidence of history. When the Bible does speak Jesus Christ]] * [[Historicity of kings and wars and prophets, its accuracy is often backed up by other historical documents and most Christians believe the Bible is historically accurate.New Testament (theopedia)]] |opinion_pieces = {{short_opinions}} |}}
Is the [[Bible]] historically accurate? This is a question that sparks great debate. Most evangelical and conservative Christians believe in Biblical inerrancy -indeed, the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy that all scripture is God-breathed. Belief in biblical inerrancy implies that the Bible is completely accurate -however, sometimes the Bible speaks in poetry or with parables -__TOC__{{topics}} [[Biblical inerrancy]] [[Formation and translation although great truths are found in these parts, they do not necessarily speak of history. When the Bible]] [[Historical evidence does speak of Jesus Christ]] {{opinions}} ==Main article==kings and wars and prophets, its accuracy is often backed up by other historical documents and most Christians believe the Bible is historically accurate.
Is the [[Bible]] historically accurate? This is a question that sparks great debate. Most evangelical and conservative Christians believe in Biblical inerrancy - indeed, the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy that all scripture is God-breathed. Belief in biblical inerrancy implies that the Bible is completely accurate - however, sometimes the Bible speaks in poetry or with parables - and although great truths are found in these parts, they do not necessarily speak of history. When the Bible does speak of kings and wars and prophets, its accuracy is often backed up by other historical documents and most Christians believe the Bible is historically accurate.{{stub}}
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