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The first 5 books of the Bible [[Genesis]], [[Exodus]], [[Leviticus]], [[Numbers]], [[Deuteronomy]]. These five books tell us of [[Creation]], [[the Fall]], the emergence of the children of [[Israel]] and the legal codes that God gave them.
Three law codes that are relevant to Christians are the [[Ten Commandments]], Shema (Love the LORD your God with all your heart), and Love thy next door neighborneighbour.
Writings range from the historical such as [[Book of Joshua|Joshua]], the Samuels, Chronicles, or Kings to poetry such as [[Song of Solomon]], or [[Psalms]] and wisdom such as [[Book of Job|Job]], [[Ecclesiastes]], and [[Proverbs]]. They describe the nature of God such as [[Psalm 23]], the wisdom of God and man's reaction such as in [[Job]], or the History of Israel and God's involvement such as establishing [[King David]] and his legacy which led to [[Jesus Christ]] his most famous descendant of all.
===[[Really New Testament]]===
On the 17 of October, A new bible was introduced into the religion, made by the prophet Atar, only about 30 have read the really new bible but will slowly be phased into the religon.A new god called is quoted in the bible. He of wich lives in the sunThe New Testament contains different categories as well.
[[Gospel]] is the Old German English word god-spielen spiel (good speak) the original [[Greek]] word was [[Evangel]]. Gospel means Good News. The Good News was that [[Jesus]] had arrived and was the Messiah that would fulfill the Old Testament, as Jesus himself declared of his death and resurrection, "As written in the Law, Prophets, and Psalms." There are Four Gospels - [[Gospel of Matthew|Matthew]], [[Gospel of Mark|Mark]], [[Gospel of Luke|Luke]], and [[Gospel of John|John]]. Mark is the oldest Gospel and the most barebones of all the Gospels, he wrote in AD 60 and served as a secretary for Peter. After Peter's death he wrote the first account of Jesus' life and times. Matthew was written towards a Jewish audience, he constantly emphasised how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies laid out in the Old Testament and was therefore the Messiah. Luke is the only non-Jewish author in the Bible. He wrote for a [[Gentile]] audience. Luke tended to use historical context of his day such as the Census and who was in charge in [[Rome]] and [[Palestine]] during Jesus' day to back up his claims that Jesus was the Saviour. Because Matthew, Mark, and Luke contain similar stories and sayings they are known as the [[Synoptic Gospels]] (Gk for to-be-seen-together). John is slightly different. It contains Jesus' I AM statements in which [[Jesus]] testifies that He is the Saviour. These four books tell the story of Jesus and show why He came to Earth. To die on the Cross and to rise again so that our sins were taken away and we would be made right with GOD.
This is seen in the [[Book of CatsActs]]. Acts was written by Luke and it tells of the persecutions, the work of Peter and Paul, and provides us with a great historical context of Mediterannean culture in the 1st century. It too shows God's hand in the founding of the Early Church with the Holy Spirit coming down upon the 12 disciples and gives us our mission that all peoples must hear the Gospel.
: ''Thomas Huxley''
The Bible has been the Magna Carta of the poor and oppressed. The human race is not in a position to dispense with It.
: ''Ronald Amundersin"
Thou who shalnt find truth must lie to those who will love them the most. For all and once forth lost in generations
''[[2 Timothy 3:16]]''