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Included a fascinating fact
{{quote | text={{Bible verse|John|3|16|lang=WEB}} [[John 3:16]]}}
{{Infobox_Contents |
topic_name = Christianity
[[Image:Christians at lourdes.jpg|thumb|center|Christians in a procession at [[Lourdes]].]] |
subtopics = [[God]], [[Jesus Christ]], [[Essence of Christianity]]
* [[Bible]], [[Christian literature, art, music and media]]
* [[Church]], [[Church history]], [[Denominations]]
* [[Famous Christians]]
* [[Christian doctrine and debates]], [[Grace]], [[Love]]
* [[Current issues]], [[News]]
* [[Cults and other religions]]
* [[Places]], [[Mission]], [[World-wide church directory]] |
opinion_pieces = {{short_opinions}} |
== Anon once said ==Christianity is the world's most widely practiced [[religion]] and although it has many [[denomination]]s and great diversity, all Christians are united in [[Jesus Christ]]. At the heart of Christianity is a loving creator [[God]] who is also our redeemer.
GOD IZ TEH GHEYSThe name "Christianity" comes from the [[Koine Greek|Greek]] word [[Christos]], meaning "annointed", a reference to [[Jesus]]. The word "Christian" doesn't appear in the entire Bible until the book of [[Acts of the Apostles|Acts]].
[[Christianity]] is about [[God]] reaching out his hand in friendship to mankind. Christians believe that the whole world and everything in it was created by God. God is a personal being, and by some mystery that we cannot understand, he is three, yet one: [[God the Father|Father]], [[Jesus|Son]] and [[Holy Spirit|Spirit]] (see the [[Trinity]]). He created people in his image, to [[love]] him. Yet every person has rebelled against God. Yet instead of turning his back on us, God became a man, [[Jesus]], who was born about 4 BC and lived among us. He taught a message of love throughout Palestine but public opinion turned against him and he was executed as a young man. He died because of us - the death that we should have died. He was crucified on a cross, but he rose from the dead, and now calls us to trust him, to love him and to [[repent]] of our rebellion. If we do this, then we our relationship with God becomes restored and we will live forever with God.
== Anonymous also said ==Many non-Christians may think that being a Christian is about belonging to a particular [[church]] or following a certain set of rule. Most Christians however would agree that at its root, being a Christian means to be in a living relationship with [[Jesus Christ]].
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Some of the main groups include [[Eastern Orthodoxy]], [[Roman Catholicism]] and the [[Protestant churches]] and [[Pentecostal churches]].DESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESU[[Image:Mount sinai.jpg|thumb|Sunrise at Mount Sinai in Egypt]]DESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESU===[[Christian literature, art, music and media]]=== Throughout church history, people have devoted themselves to great works of literature and art for God's glory and honour. Today, a [[:Category:Media_Workers|number of Christians]] are creating works of art in a variety of media, music and visual mediums. ====[[Christian music]]==== Since Christians have met together, they have sung to God and about God. Early Jewish Christians probably sung [[psalms]]. In later centuries, monophonic [[Gregorian chants]] were widely sung. During and following the Protestant [[Reformation]], hundreds of [[hymns]] were written by men like [[Martin Luther]] and [[Charles Wesley]]. In recent decades, [[Contemporary Christian Music]], Christian music in rock style, has become increasingly popular. Today, a [[:Category:Music|number of Christians]] are creating music in a variety of genres. ====[[Christian movies]]==== Some of the most well-known movies have strong [[Christian]] themes. One of the earliest Christian movies was [[The Ten Commandments (movie)|The Ten Commandments]] by [[Cecil B. DeMill]]. In 2004, [[The Passion of the Christ]], describing the night of [[Jesus]]' death was a film that made a world-wide impact. In 2005, the movie [[The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe]] was being released based on the famous book by [[C.S. Lewis]]. Today, a [[:Category:Film|number of Christians]] are producing films in a variety of genres. ====[[Christianity and the Internet]]==== Since the beginning of the world wide web, Christians have been involved in creating websites dedicated to different aspects of [[Christianity]]. Some of the most important ones have been sites containing the [[Bible]] in different versions like [[BibleGateway]] ([]). Today, a [[:Category:Media_Workers|number of Christians]] are creating web sites, applications and social networking resources. ===[[Religious clothing and symbols]]=== There are no requirements in [[Christianity]] about what we should wear, although, in many denominations there are special uniforms for those involved in the organisation and running of the denomination. Many Christians also wear symbols of their faith, such as a cross or [[crucifix]]. In many countries with predominant [[Eastern Orthodox]] and [[Roman Catholic]] populations, people may erect a [[shrine]] or symbol of an aspect of their faith that is important to them. In the [[Reformation]], there was a backlash against these symbols which were often seen as [[idol]]s. ===[[Christian doctrine and debates]]=== Doctrine means a set of beliefs or teaching. Various [[Creeds]] and catechisms have been written as statements of the beliefs of different Christians. Today there are still considerable differences in understanding on major themes in Christianity like [[justification]], [[salvation]] and [[grace]]. Christians believe in one God who is yet three persons as described above. They also believe that [[Jesus]] was both a man and both God, and that he bore the [[sin]]s of mankind on the cross and was resurrected three days later. Christianity is primarily are religion of [[love]]. It is about God's love for us, and our response. We are asked to respond by loving God with our whole hearts, and loving our neighbours, including our enemies, as ourselves. However, the Bible also makes clear that the every person has rebelled against God and sins. In the [[Romans|Book of Romans]] it says that "all have sinned". Later however, the author goes on to tell us that we can be forgiven and appear without sin before God, and that this is through the faith in [[Jesus]] and his death and resurrection. ===The [[Persecuted Church]], [[Mission]] and [[Places|Christianity around the world]]=== The world's 5 inhabited continents contain more than 8 billion people. The population is increasing rapidly, and it doubled between 1960 and 2000. There are 237 independent states. 66 of these have significant restrictions on religious belief. About 32% of the world's population call themselves [[Christian]] (2 billion people), 21% call themselves [[Muslim]] (1.3 billion people), 15% are [[non-religious]] (1 billion) and 13% call themselves [[Hindu]]. Although [[Europe]] is rapidly becoming secular and non-religious, the majority of Christians live in areas where European settlement or missionary work has been significant. [[Asia]] is the least evangelized continent. Of Christians, there are over 1 billion [[Roman Catholic]], 700 million [[Protestant]] and 550 million [[Eastern Orthodox]] Christians. Also see [[Christianity by country]] ==Quotes== ''[[C.S. Lewis]]'': I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. [[Martin Luther King, Jr.]]: My parents would always tell me that I should not hate the white man, but that it was my duty as a [[Christian]] to love all. ==Links==* [] - Discuss today's toughest topics with those who hold the same beliefs but not necessarily the same ideas!* [ Wikipedia - Christianity]* [ BBC Religion & Ethics - Christianity]* []* [ Yahoo Directory on Christianity]* [ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Christianity]* [ It's all About Christianity] * [] - Post & discuss Christian topics - Bible studies, entertainment, prayer, testimonies, publications and news* []* [ more than 35,000 free Christian webpages]* [ Not Just Bibles A Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet]* [ The Internet Christian Library]* [] * [ Public Domain Christian Repository]* [ Project Wittenberg - Home to works by and about Martin Luther and other Lutherans] {{returnto}} [[Main Page]][[Category:Religions]]