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Hudson Taylor

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'''Hudson Taylor - Faith missionary to China'''[[Image:J Hudson Taylor 1865.jpg|thumb|right|150px{{quote |Hudson Taylor in 1865]]"''text=China is not to be won for Christ by quiet, ease-loving men and women … The stamp of men and women we need is such as will put Jesus, China, [and] souls first and foremost in everything and at every time—even life itself must be secondary''."}}{{Infobox_Contents |topic_name = Hudson Taylor [[Image:J Hudson Taylor 1865.jpg|thumb|center|Hudson Taylor in 1865]] |subtopics = [[China Inland Mission]] |opinion_pieces = {{short_opinions}} |}}
In September 1853, a little three-masted clipper slipped quietly out of Liverpool harbor with James Hudson Taylor, (戴德生) was a gaunt and wild-eyed 21-year-old British Protestant Christian missionary, aboardto [[China]]. He was headed for a country that was just coming into the Christian West's consciousness; only a few dozen missionaries were stationed thereborn on May 21, 1832 and died on June 3, 1905. By He founded the time Taylor died a half-century later, however, China was viewed as the most fertile Inland Mission (now [[OMF International]]) and challenging of mission fields as thousands volunteered annually spent 51 years in China. He is well known for his sensitivity to serve thereChinese culture and zeal for evangelism===Biography===
== Radical missionary ==
Taylor was born to James and Amelia Taylor, a Methodist couple fascinated with the Far East who had prayed for their newborn, "Grant that he may work for you in China." Years later, a teenage Hudson experienced a spiritual birth during an intense time of prayer as he lay stretched, as he later put, "before Him with unspeakable awe and unspeakable joy." He spent the next years in frantic preparation, learning the rudiments of medicine, studying Mandarin, and immersing himself ever deeper into the Bible and prayer.
In September 1853, a little three-masted clipper slipped quietly out of Liverpool harbor with Hudson Taylor, a gaunt and wild-eyed 21-year-old missionary, aboard. He was headed for a country that was just coming into the Christian West's consciousness; only a few dozen missionaries were stationed there. By the time Taylor died a half-century later, however, China was viewed as the most fertile and challenging of mission fields as thousands volunteered annually to serve there.
His ship arrived in Shanghai, one of five "treaty ports" China had opened to foreigners following its first Opium War with England. Almost immediately Taylor made a radical decision (as least for Protestant missionaries of the day): he decided to dress in Chinese clothes and grow a pigtail (as Chinese men did). His fellow Protestants were either incredulous or critical.
When the Chinese Evangelization Society, which had sponsored Taylor, proved incapable of paying its missionaries in 1857, Taylor resigned and became an independent missionary; trusting God to meet his needs. The same year, he married Maria Dyer, daughter of missionaries stationed in China. He continued to pour himself into his work, and his small church in Ningpo grew to 21 members. But by 1861, he became seriously ill (probably with hepatitis) and was forced to return to England to recover.
[[Image:Hudson Taylor age 21.jpg|thumb|Hudson Taylor at age 21]]
In England, the restless Taylor continued translating the Bible into Chinese (a work he'd begun in China), studied to become a midwife, and recruited more missionaries. Troubled that people in England seemed to have little interest in China, he wrote China: Its Spiritual Need and Claims. In one passage, he scolded, "Can all the Christians in England sit still with folded arms while these multitudes [in China] are perishing—perishing for lack of knowledge—for lack of that knowledge which England possesses so richly?"
[[Image:Hudson Taylor age 21.jpg|thumb|left|150px|Hudson Taylor at age 21]]
Taylor became convinced that a special organization was needed to evangelize the interior of China. He made plans to recruit 24 missionaries: two for each of the 11 unreached inland provinces and two for Mongolia. It was a visionary plan that would have left veteran recruiters breathless: it would increase the number of China missionaries by 25 percent.
Within a year of his breakthrough, Taylor, his wife and four children, and 16 young missionaries sailed from London to join five others already in China working under Taylor's direction.
== Strains in the organization ==
Taylor continued to make enormous demands upon himself (he saw more than 200 patients daily when he first returned) and on CIM missionaries, some of whom balked. Lewis Nicol, who accused Taylor of tyranny, had to be dismissed. Some CIM missionaries, in the wake of this and other controversies, left to join other missions, but in 1876, with 52 missionaries, CIM constituted one-fifth of the missionary force in China.
Between his work ethic and his absolute trust in God (despite never soliciting funds, his CIM grew and prospered), he inspired thousands to forsake the comforts of the West to bring the Christian message to the vast and unknown interior of China. Though mission work in China was interrupted by the communist takeover in 1949, the CIM continues to this day under the name Overseas Missionary Fellowship (International).
=== External Links =Quotes==
==Links==* [ Listen to the reading of the book: Hudson Taylor - Spiritual Secrets which catalogs ] - This catalogues the amazing story of this great missionary * [http://wwwen.sermonaudiowikipedia.comorg/wiki/search.asp?keyword=hudson%20taylor%20spiritual%20secrets&entiresite=trueJames_Hudson_Taylor Wikipedia - Hudson Taylor]
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