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{{Infobox_Contents |topic_name = Christology |subtopics = [[Nature of Christ]] |opinion_pieces = {{short_opinions}} |}}  The study of [[Jesus Christ]] is called Christology. ===Jesus as the Son of God=== Jesus as the Son of God denotes the fact that, as a man, Jesus was begotten of the Father and generated in conception through divine means. Jesus' conception in Mary was done through the [[Holy Spirit]] ([[Matthew 1:20]]). He was begotten of the Father to take on the same nature of man, which includes human flesh ([[John 1:14]]). Scripture is clear that the Son pre-existed prior to his incarnation. Jesus was involved in the Creation ([[John 1]]:1-3) and is denoted as having existed before all things were created (see [[Colossians 1]]:16-17). ===The Word becomes flesh=== : ''{{web_verse|john|1|14}} ([[John 1:14]])''  Although Jesus pre-existed as the Son of God, [[Scripture]] says that he took on flesh and was born in the likeness of men in human form ([[Philippians 2]]:7-8). Jesus was born of a virgin, a [[doctrine]] well attested in the [[New Testament]] and found deep in the beliefs of the very first Christians.  ===Jesus' life and ministry=== "When he was about thirty years of age" Jesus was baptized, signifying the beginning of his ministry. Jesus was then tempted, and remained obedient. Throughout his ministry he performed many miracles, healing the sick, raising the dead, and performing many signs. He told [[parables]]. Furthermore, Jesus lived a sinless life, and completely obeyed the will of God. === The person of Jesus === When viewed from the whole of the Bible, the person of Jesus becomes evident. He is both fully God and fully man. Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King. Scripture also presents him as the Suffering Servant ([[Isaiah 53]]), and the Second Adam ([[Romans 5]]:12-21;). All of these are significant for the understanding of who Jesus was.  === The culmination of Jesus' life === Jesus' life culminated in the [[atonement]]. Scripture is clear that Jesus died, was buried, and rose on the third day ([[1 Corinthians 15]]:3-4). In this, he revealed the glory he had with the Father before the world existed ([[John 17:5]]) and was exalted and was given the name above all names ([[Philippians 2:9]]). ===His return=== Jesus will return to judge both believers and unbelievers. Known as the ''[[parousia]]'', Christians call this the [[Second Coming]]. ==Quotes== ==Links==* [ Theopedia - Jesus Christ] {{returnto}}* [[Christianity]] -> [[Jesus]]* [[Christianity]] -> [[Christian doctrine and debates]] -> [[Theology]]HAGGER?????????????????????????????????