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WikiChristian talk:Village pump

346 bytes added, 22:16, 17 July 2008
Aquatiki Ventures Forth: Extensions: Graham, can you install?
: Hi. I'm unsure of the specific pros and cons being a not very technical person, but as a general rule I've noticed that adding extensions almost always makes the wiki more powerful and useful. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:26, 17 July 2008 (PDT)
:: Do you have access, Graham? I can't imagine any debate about ParserFunctions or Character Escapes: they are ubiquitous. We should install those ASAP in order to make templates. SMW is worth reading about/looking over. The kinds of things you can do with it are powerful and amazing. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 15:16, 17 July 2008 (PDT)