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User talk:Aquatiki

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WikiChristian E-newsletter
Hi Robert. I've just had some friends drop over so I'll be out of action on any discussion for a couple hours. But I'm thinking that a clear picture has emerged. So feel free to get started in earnest if you feel the desire. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 09:25, 2 August 2008 (PDT)
: Thanks for the heads up. Have fun. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 09:26, 2 August 2008 (PDT)
== Collapsibility ==
Collapsibility has returned! You obviously fixed something. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:10, 2 August 2008 (PDT)
: I restored [[MediaWiki:Monobook.css]] and [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js]]. What gives??! Those don't even have the collapsibility code in them!!!?! Oh well: ''The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.'' --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 15:12, 2 August 2008 (PDT)
== Vandalism yesterday ==
Just wanted to say good job cleaning up the vandalism yesterday. It was a Grawp attack. I'm right now cleaning up the last pieces. -- [[User:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">Ryan†Cross</font>]] ('''''[[User talk:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">talk</font>]]''''') 17:55, 3 August 2008 (PDT)
: There's lots to do. Just doing what I can. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 17:56, 3 August 2008 (PDT)
:: What's a Grawp attack?
:: By the way, brilliant work with BotUm. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 22:50, 3 August 2008 (PDT)
::: As you know, I'm a Wikipedian, which means I edit Wikipedia. User:Grawp comes by often to make big hits of vandalism to Wikipedia. What he usually does is move pages to "''Hagger''" or something. You can easily tell he was here because he moved multiple pages to "something, something, Hagger??...". Grawp just happened to attack us this time. Well, anywho, he's gone... for now. All I can tell you from here is that Grawp is not a good person. It'sa good thing Aquatiki was here to cleanup the mess. :) And of course, I finished the mess. :P Keep on the lookout. -- [[User:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">Ryan†Cross</font>]] ('''''[[User talk:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">talk</font>]]''''') 23:44, 3 August 2008 (PDT)
== My Christian beliefs ==
Hi there. Graham grove suggested I tell my Christian beliefs before I become a bureaucrat, so it can now be seen at [[User:RyanCross/Christian]]. Best, [[User:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">Ryan†Cross</font>]] ('''''[[User talk:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">talk</font>]]''''') 00:13, 4 August 2008 (PDT)
:[ I answered your question]. -- [[User:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">Ryan†Cross</font>]] ('''''[[User talk:RyanCross|<font color="navy" face="Times New Roman">talk</font>]]''''') 16:54, 4 August 2008 (PDT)
== Random Verse ==
I like the "Random verse" feature. It will be great to click on "Random page" and not get a Bible verse. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:54, 6 August 2008 (PDT)
: Patient, grasshopper. Soon all will be ours! Bwa ha ha ha ha! [ see pic] --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 14:56, 6 August 2008 (PDT)
== Original texts ==
Now that you've explained the concept of name spaces and the like to me I'm beginning to see there value. Given that one of WikiChristian's functions is to be a library of public domain texts, what do you think about moving all the original texts we have into the "Text" name space. You can see I've moved the text of [[In His Steps]] to [[Text:In His Steps]]. We also have, from memory, various early letters and apologetics works, some of the Book of Common Prayer, a few fiction books such as Pilgrim's Progress. I'm going to go ahead and move a few of them into the Text name space. There aren't many and so if you and others don't think it is a good idea, or have a better idea or a better name space name, then we can quickly change it... By the way, I found after much searching, a verse in John where the Greek didn't work quite right - see the discussion on my talk page for the link. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 11:52, 8 August 2008 (PDT)
If you reckon the idea above is a good one and since I've never made changes to the LocalSettings.php, would you be able to at some stage create the custom namespace "Text" (or whatever alternative you think is a good name)? Thanks Robert. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 12:02, 8 August 2008 (PDT)
: Uh oh: I've created a monster! No, just kidding. Anyway, I'd be happy to add the namespace, but I should warn you: DON'T MOVE STUFF THERE YET! In fact, you'll need to move the stuff you've done back. The reason is that right now, those pages are in the MAIN namespace called Text:Blah. But if I created the Text namespace, it will go looking in there for anything that begins with Text:, but they're not there. The will be lost in limbo. That is what happened when I "fixed" the whole WikiChristian vs thing. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:58, 8 August 2008 (PDT)
:: Thanks for the warning. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:59, 8 August 2008 (PDT)
== [[Special:Uncategorizedtemplates]] ==
I've gone through the above and now there are only Bible verse templates (Mostly WEB and a few Greek NT) so that when Bot Um has finished its job you can delete the above Category. [[User:Kathleen.wright5|Kathleen.wright5]] 02:59, 9 August 2008 (UTC)
== Hope you've slept well ==
Hi Robert. I hope that you've had a nice chance to rest and catch up on sleep. Just a query - Um seems to have done most of Genesis but stopped (he hasn't done Greek or Hebrew or the deletes and redirects but has done everything else). Does he just do things in spurts? How does it all work? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:26, 9 August 2008 (PDT)
: Thanks, I'm back with the living. I could've turned the bot loose on it all, but I wanted to hand start things in case I needed to go back and change things (like I did with the Greek of John). He's doing the Hebrew right now.
: Here's the scoop on how I do things. I downloaded all the texts from unbound. I put them all in folder and ran my various programs to chop them up into verses. I move individual text files into the BotUm directory and tell it to upload. After Genesis is green lighted, I will just take the remaining text files and concatenate them together. Then I can tell it to just do that one file and it'll take a few days to do per version. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 15:41, 9 August 2008 (PDT)
== Backup ==
Hi Robert. I'm wondering if you think it might be a good idea for one of us to put a backup of WikiChristian's data file on our home computer periodically whilst the Bible is being uploaded so that all your hard work doesn't get lost in the case of a disaster. I'd be happy to do it except I don't know how. If you do know how, feel free to back it up - or if you want me to and you can let me know how, that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:12, 11 August 2008 (PDT)
:There's a script in the <code>maintainence</code> folder on the server-side. I'll do it this even when I get off of work (10 hours from now). --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 15:50, 11 August 2008 (PDT)
== Welcome back ==
Welcome back Robert. Hope you've had a nice break. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 12:51, 15 August 2008 (PDT)
: Thanks! I kind of cheated, since I didn't know exactly how long I'd be gone, so I gave BotUm the whole Bible to do, so he wouldn't be sitting idle! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 12:56, 15 August 2008 (PDT)
:: I noticed that. I think that was a great idea. I see that BotUm is still slowly processing away at the Latin Bible. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 12:58, 15 August 2008 (PDT)
::: Wow. I thought that the Latin importation would never end! Can I request that the WEB translation gets put on next? Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 09:45, 16 August 2008 (PDT)
:::: Sure thing, Can do. Give me 6 hours to get home and fire it up! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 10:36, 16 August 2008 (PDT)
:::: OK, in case I get busy, here's the whole WEB going for you! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 18:17, 16 August 2008 (PDT)
== BotUm stopped ==
Hi Robert. I noticed that with the downtime of the WikiChristian server that your Bot Um seems to have stopped. He's been doing a great job by the way. When you next get chance do you mind starting him up again. Thanks for your help by the way in getting WikiChristian restarted. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:05, 21 August 2008 (PDT)
: Yeah, it's supposed to automatically retry every hour after a failure. I'll start 'er back up again once I get home (should be about three hours). --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 14:08, 21 August 2008 (PDT)
:: Thanks... Oh, it looks like it's started again. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:26, 21 August 2008 (PDT)
== So far so good with the Bible import ==
Hi Robert. The Bible import seems to be going really well. Looks good so far! I see that you've completed the "Bible" pages, KJV, WEB and Latin. Now just for the Greek and Hebrew and deletions of the old verse pages in the main namespace and their corresponding "(WEB)" templates. By the way, for the parts of Daniel that are in Aramaic, are you just going to put them in the Hebrew namespace or do you think something more accurate and fancy should be done for them? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 03:34, 27 August 2008 (PDT)
: I'm at my in-laws tonight, but I will be home in 22 hours and start the next one then. Yeah, I think everything is going quite well. Since you aren't making links on the Hebrew text, I say you definitely just stick Daniel,Ezra and all Aramaic text in the Hebrew namespace. What I'm doing on ReformedWord (since Aramaic words are spelled the same as Hebrew a lot), it adding the prefix Aramaic: ''within the Hebrew namespace'' for Aramaic words. But I don't think that applies here. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 04:33, 27 August 2008 (PDT)
== Error noticed ==
Hi Robert. I clicked on "Random Verse" and happened to be directed to [[Bible:Philippians 4:3]]. I noticed that its Hebrew text had the words: "Hebrew 4:3" inserted at the beginning. I've since deleted this. I suspect you might need to get BotUm to eventually go through and remove this from pretty much every single Hebrew verse. Anyway, no rush for it to be done. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:23, 30 August 2008 (PDT)
: Actually, this "Hebrew" insetion only seems to have occurred in some books but not others. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:25, 30 August 2008 (PDT)
::AAAHH!! I forgot one line in the program! Argh. Fixing. :-( --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 16:36, 30 August 2008 (PDT)
== Apocrypha and other comments ==
Hi Robert. Well it seems the Bible verses are nearly all uploaded. The Greek verses have taken a long time - there seems to be some funny things happening with many of the verses being written by BotUm and then over-written and then over-written again. But never mind, it's almost there. I'm especially looking forward to the over-writing the mainspace pages with redirects to the Bible name-space.
I guess the next thing after this is Bible chapters. I'm still leaning towards putting them in the main name-space - but I'm very open to putting them in the Bible name-space if you're particularly keen on that. I know that being in the main namespace means that there will be heaps of empty pages for the random page button, but there are two reasons that ultimately counteract that negative. Firstly as WikiChristian grows (hopefully) and starts getting thousands of pages (hopefully) for Christian song, books, and local churches etc, then it will actually be nice to get a Bible chapter every now and then when clicking random page. Secondly, I think that commentaries Bible chapters are something that people will get behind eventually - I certainly plan on writing lots of short commentaries for various chapters once the chapter pages are in place. Have you had any further thoughts?
I've noticed that you've been uploading Apocryphal writings which I think is a really good idea. I see that you've got some ideas about this up and running in [[ReformedWord]]. This is another good reason I reckon to create a "Text" namespace, because that way the Apocryphal books could be placed there similarly to the Bible name-space. I wonder if we need pages for each verse - what do you think? Would it be better to only have pages for each chapter (for for specific verse pages to direct to the appropriate chapter)?
Anyway, thanks for everything you've done so far. You've done invaluable work! Good luck with your ongoing work at ReformedWord too. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 13:24, 11 September 2008 (PDT)
: Well, I think you may have persuaded me on the chapter thing. Sounds reasonable enough.
: I am still thinking that someday, when I've finished defining all the Greek words used in the old and new testament, I may find someway to port all that over from RW to here. It'd be shame to reinvent the wheel.
: As for the Apocrypha, I think we might as a Catholic's opinion, just to be well rounded. I have a feeling, that since they regard them as fully the Bible two, the might want verse pages. But who knows!
: If you look at what I've done on ReformedWord for the Apostles' Creed, you can see it's heavily influenced by what we've done over here. I am planning on renaming my <code>Bible</code> namespace to <code>English</code>. I plan on putting old versions of things ("and ''sitteth'' at the ... both the ''quick'' and the dead") in the <code>Traditional</code> namespace and new translations in the <code>English</code> namespace.
:--[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:32, 11 September 2008 (PDT)
:: That's very clever how you've done the Apostles' Creed. It makes sense the way you are organizing things over at ReformedWord. Imagine the scope that this sort of system has for organizing all ancient (and not so ancient) texts! --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 13:40, 11 September 2008 (PDT)
::: Thank you very much. I thought a long time about namespace names and I still got it wrong! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:45, 11 September 2008 (PDT)
== Next phase ==
Hi Robert. Wow BotUm has finally finished with the Greek uploading. I guess the next thing is to redirect all the original Bible verse pages and delete all the (WEB) and (Greek) pages? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 13:04, 13 September 2008 (PDT)
: yeah, the deleting stuff makes me nervous. I think I'll give it a book or two at a time, just to make sure it's not screwing up. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:17, 13 September 2008 (PDT)
:: Well, all of the 1 Book Verse (WEB) have been deleted and it seemed to go well. What's next? Replacing the 1 Book Chapter:Verse pages with #REDIRECTs to their Bible:Book Chapter:Verse counterpart? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 06:00, 14 September 2008 (PDT)
::: You're right. I should just do all the redirect now, so people quit going to the wrong pages. Are you ready? Do you have all your stuff moved to Backup:, like you do? I'm at work for another 6 hours and then I'll go home and start the overwriting. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 06:47, 14 September 2008 (PDT)
:::: Yep, I've backed up everything that I could find. Hope your work has been okay. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 11:30, 14 September 2008 (PDT)
== More deletions ==
Hi Robert - hope you are about to have a great weekend. Good work with uploading every Bible verse and redirecting every Bible verse (at some stage we should work out what to do with the Apocryphal book). The pages that I can figure out that need deletion are the pages that are "Book Chapter:Verse (Greek)", "Book Chapter:Verse (WEB)" and "Template:Book Chapter:Verse". Is it easy to set BotUm to start deleting these? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 12:11, 19 September 2008 (PDT)
: Weeelllll, yes and no. I've been going to [[Special:Allpages]] and copy-pasting the list into an advanced text editor. I then go over the text with regex to eliminate wanted pages. That's why I've been so slow in deleting: this didn't come up when deleting one book's worth at a time! I'm just trying to be careful and not delete anything I shouldn't. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:05, 19 September 2008 (PDT)
:: Well, it's looking good. I like seeing those pages go. Can't be too many left now! --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 20:32, 23 September 2008 (PDT)
::: Yeah, it's coming along. Deleting makes me so nervous! Over on ReformedWord, I have every Greek word used more than 50 times defined. I've made the Latin and Hebrew pages machine formatted, it will just be turning loose the bots. I'm also working on Apocrypha pages too. Did you decided what's best here for those? Any Catholics around to ask? --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 21:14, 23 September 2008 (PDT)
:::: You've done really well with the deleting. One difficulty comes in that the canon of scripture is different for so many different churches - the Greek Orthodox are different from the Roman Catholic, who are different from the Coptic Orthodox, who are different again from the Ethiopian Orthodox. So it gets complicated. I think the Bible name-space should be reserved for the 66 agreed books - Protestant, Catholics, Orthodox, Oriental churches all agree on those. For the other apocryphal texts, I think we should put them in the Text namespace once it is created (or do you have a better name for this name-space). Regarding whether or not we do it verse by verse or just for chapters - I'm not particularly fussed. I think individual verses would be fine if that's your preference. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 09:15, 1 October 2008 (PDT)
::::: Yeah, you're right. Have you seen the Ethiopian scripture set?! They have something like 88 ''more'' books, most of which are only existent in Ethiopian. '''Text''' seems like a good namespace name. So would there then be pages like [[Judith 1:1]] which would follow the format of Bible verse pages? Most apocrypha stuff has Greek and Latin but no Hebrew (not even modern renditions). See ReformedWord ''Prayer_of_Azariah_1'' as an example, since I've been working on this over there lately. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:01, 1 October 2008 (PDT)
:::::: The Ethiopians have a big "Bible" don't they! I'm glad you're happy with the ''Text'' name space. Yep, I think pages like [[Judith 1:1]] should redirect to [[Text:Judith 1:1]] which would follow a similar format to the Bible verse pages. I guess it'll get complicated deciding how to display the text itself. Do they all have a KJV? I imagine many of them won't have other translations that we one day may be able to add, such as the ESV and NIV. Do some have Latin translations, but not all? It would be nice to display at a minimum the original language and a modern English translation.
:::::: Also, once the text name space has been created, we should would work out how other texts / public domain books should be named. My preference I think is: "Text:Name of Book - Name of Section" - thus the "... (EBD)" pages would be renamed "Text:Easton's Bible Dictionary - ...". What is your preference? Once we've decided, is it possible to set up BotUm so that he moves all of the "... (EBD)" pages to the appropriate new name. Is it also possible to set up BotUm to delete all the "Mathew Henry Commentary:..." (and "Matthew Henry Commentary:..." - there is a mix, some with correct spelling of Matthew, and others with the incorrect spelling. Or should I delete these manually - there are about 250 pages. Alternatively we could keep them, but I'd vote for deleting them, and at a later date uploading the whole Matthew Henry Commentary in a nicer looking format. Finally, someone uploaded a book called [[God's Word to Women]] a few years ago - it has about 100 Lessons. Would it be possible to get BotUm to move all of these chapters into the appropriate "Text:God's Word to Women:Lesson ..." name? Or should I do that manually? There are a smattering of other smaller texts that have been uploaded over the years that I'll move over manually. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 04:37, 3 October 2008 (PDT)
:::::::# KJV made an appendix with all the texts of the Roman apocrypha. The Vulgate had a similar thing, only in the fifth century. The ASV/NRSV exists as a modern translation for the Roman stuff too.
:::::::# Looks like I need to figure out how to get the bot to move stuff! I haven't done that yet, but I will (after I made the chapter pages.). As far as naming convention, WikiMedia has built in support for naming pages that start with ''Whatever'' followed by a colon (see [[Special:Prefixindex]]), so I recommend (for ease of typing) [[Text:EBD:Example]]. For now, this'll have to be done manually, until I figure out how to do it bot-ly! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 10:11, 3 October 2008 (PDT)
== BotUm making mistakes. ==
I thought you'd like to know that BotUm made 2 mistakes which have now been restored. The mistakes were deletion of [[Ruth (EBD)]] and [[Nahum (EBD)]]. [[User:Kathleen.wright5|Kathleen.wright5]] 12:02, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
: Thanks, KW. Graham is all on about me just turning it loose, but especially with deleting, I get real nervous for just this reason. Thanks for spotting those. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 20:47, 30 September 2008 (PDT)
== Back ==
Hi Robert. I'm sorry if I've been a bit silent in the last 2 weeks. I've been at a conference in Darwin and then went holiday to Kakadu with Nicole and Matthew. But I'm back at home now! And ready to keep working on WikiChristian. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 08:00, 1 October 2008 (PDT)
: That's great! How old is you son now? I'm on loan to another ER for another two weeks, but then I'll be back in my element, able to devote more time to geeking out! I think I'll be able to start the chapters going here within a week, but maybe not until then. Glad to hear you're getting some fun in. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 12:50, 1 October 2008 (PDT)
== EBD ==
Hi Robert. Just wondering what you think the best naming convention should be Easton Bible Dictionary pages. See [[Talk:Easton's Bible Dictionary]]. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 12:58, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
: I noticed that we're occasionally both manually moving EBD pages. Is that our plan - to move them manually? I'm happy with that if that's the easiest way, although it will take a bit of time. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:25, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
:: I'm still trying to figure some bot stuff out ... --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 14:32, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
::: That's cool. I guess we just chug along and move them one by one for the moment. Although this will take a while because, I've done a quick count, and it looks like there are 5,000 Easton Bible Dictionary entries. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:58, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
== Brilliant ==
That's fantastic. Looks exactly right! (The chapter Bible page that is). --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 14:29, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
: OK. I'll get to programming. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 14:32, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
== BotUm started ==
I see you've programmed your Bot and it has started uploading Genesis. It seems to have stopped at Genesis 49 however and has forgotten Genesis 50? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 15:57, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
: I just wanted to check with you. I'll get it doing the rest of the Bible now. As for moving pages, I will confer with my bot-buddies and get back to you. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 16:00, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
== It looks done to me! ==
Robert, you've done an amazing job getting the Bible uploaded. You deserve a huge thanks. I think we should acknowledge the work you've done by adding small segment called something like "Major developments in WikiChristian's History" into the [[WikiChristian:About]] page. Are you happy for me to do that?
I guess we still have much more organizational work to do with the apocryphal writings, sorting out EBD and other texts and deciding what format we would like for the books of the Bible page. But the bulk of the most important organizational work hs been completed essentially thanks to you! --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 23:13, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
:Well, I certainly don't require any thank, let alone public acknowledgment. If you write something, I won't take it down, but its not necessary. I'm still trying to figure out moving pages, but I'm sure I'll get there. Until then, I'll keep hitting random and being productive. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 23:20, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
:: I think from the historical point of view it would be nice to have some record of the work you've done - if WikiChristian ever becomes a well known site then that sort of information deserves to be recorded for posterity (not sure about the spelling of that word). I'll add a small segment. Do you want me to use your computer name "Aquatiki" or your real name? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 23:32, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
:::"Robert Murphy" would be fine. If it's a historical document, I don't want my silly internet handle used! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 23:43, 4 October 2008 (PDT)
== News namespace ==
I know we've got quite a lot of namespaces already. All the same, I'm wondering if another one might be a good idea. If you look at the [[News]] ([[WikiChristian:Current events]]) page there are links to news articles (like in, for example [[Episcopal Bishop Robinson not invited to the 2008 Lambeth Conference (May 24, 2006)]]. These news articles I think should be in their own namespace rather than the main namespace. What do you think about a "News" namespace? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 10:26, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
: Are these stories just copies of the news, or might they get commented on in the ___ (G.G.) style? You want people to stumble (Special:Random) across them, right? There are less than a handful right now? I'm happy to do whatever you say, but you maybe could wait to see if this will be a large number of pages first ... ? Don't discount the use of [[Special:Prefixindex]] and formatting all the pages to News:____, without the creation of a namespace. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 22:29, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
== Clean-up Project ==
Hi Robert. I see you're going great guns on [[ReformedWord]]! Are you learning Latin as you go or have you already studied it? Just a quick note to let you know about a new page I've created [[WikiChristian:Clean-up]]. Is there anything else that you think needs cleaning up on WikiChristian? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 12:07, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
: An easy way to see what's still using the old format is to see what still links to Template:web_verse, i.e. [[Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Web_verse]]. Beyond that, I just need to figure out who to move pages! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 22:37, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
: <small>I forgot to reply to your other stuff</small> I am learning Latin and Hebrew as I go.
== A few Bible chapters and verses missing ==
I have noticed that a very small number of Bible chapters and verses do not seem to have been uploaded. I will let you know about them as I come across them. Here is one: [[Romans 14:24]]. --[[User:Cleaner|Cleaner]] 13:21, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
: I don't know of any other gaps, but that one at least is the WEB's fault. They go with a different verse numbering for parts of Romans from anyone else, based off of problems they find in the Greek text. I would just created/fix any problems you find because there's no systemic way to fix them. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 22:39, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
== A smaller wiki ==
I note that your bot deleted a load of pages, taking this Wiki off the [ list of largest wikis]. You might be interested to know that WikiChristian's article on Wikipedia is now [ likely to be deleted] as a result. - [[User:Ghoti|Ghoti]] 21:20, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
: It was an uphill battle to keep LyricWiki, with it 700,000 pages, thousands of edits per days by hundreds of users. The English Wikipedia a sinkhole of people who use '''notability''' as a hammer to crush whatever doesn't meet their liking, or simply as an exercise is wielding smash-power. If we had users to call upon, I could see mounting a campaign to keep the page (showing that the pages aren't gone, simply moved) but without legions to enlist, I'm afraid we'd lose. The other languages of Wikipedia aren't so heavy-handed. I'm real sorry to see that page go, but I don't know how we could stop it. Sorry :-( --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 22:49, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
:: Yep. That's life unfortunately. I agree - it does seem that Wikipedia does seem to have so many users who do want to crush whatever they don't like. Oh well, if it goes, it goes. That won't stop this site from being a useful and good site. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 23:13, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
::: Thanks for that nice dose of good attitude. I'm way too bitter and chalked full of hate at Wikipedia for a Christian! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 23:24, 8 October 2008 (PDT)
== WikiChristian:Bible page ==
Hi Robert. I've written a short summary on the [[WikiChristian:Bible]] page. If you get time, would you like to look it over and correct / add as you see fit. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham grove]] 13:40, 15 October 2008 (PDT)
== EBD deleting ==
Hi Robert. Since there are over 3,000 EBD pages, I've figured out that it will take a long time to move them all. If you, me and KW all moved 10 a day, then in 100 days we'd have them all moved. I'm going to start with the letter M (for no particular reason - purely random) and work from there. If you like to join me and choose another letter, go for it. Thanks. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 06:47, 17 October 2008 (PDT)
: Is it OK if I just use [[Special:Random]] for a few days at first? (I'm so lazy!) --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 22:48, 17 October 2008 (PDT)
:: No worries. It's kind of fun clicking on Random page isn't it! --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 22:57, 17 October 2008 (PDT)
== Greek stuff ==
Hi Robert. I can see your point in moving [[Koine Greek: Purpose]] to [[Greek:Purpose]]. It makes sense. For some reason that I can't quite understand though, I kind of like the Koine Greek lessons about nouns, verbs etc in the main name-space. Weird, hey... --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 13:11, 21 October 2008 (PDT)
: There's certainly no accounting for taste! ;-) I think that most speakers of English are so impoverished (compared to two generations ago) with regard to the basics of grammar that lessons in parts of speech, verb tenses and diagramming sentences are very needful, even on a Christian wiki. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 13:14, 21 October 2008 (PDT)
== BotUm missed some pages ==
BotUm missed converting some pages to the new format. They can be found here [[Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Web_verse]], he also imported a non-existent book of the Bible Odes which has now been deleted. If you want to use content from other wikis you can find copyright templates here [[:Category:Copyright templates]]. Its OK with Graham. [[User:Kathleen.wright5|Kathleen.wright5]] 23:43, 21 October 2008 (UTC)
: Those "Extra" verses come from the fact that the WEB (the free, English Bible translation we uploaded) uses a bizarre mixture of Greek texts to come up with their verse numbers. Those verses can be deleted or whatever! Odes is a book in the Catholic/Greek Bible. I'm working on how to do their extra Bible books (called the Apocrypha) automatically. Thanks for making all the templates. --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 00:34, 22 October 2008 (PDT)
::The verses have now been deleted. [[User:Kathleen.wright5|Kathleen.wright5]] 00:04, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
== Howdy ==
Hi Robert. Just wanted to say a quick hi and see how life is going for you? --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 01:44, 2 November 2008 (PST)
: Hey. I'm good. I've been recruited to play classical guitar at church (we sing hymns, traditional piano/organ style) and it's taken a lot of time to practice. I went back to my old hospital, so I'll have lots more time to work on things. I've been working on getting the hebrew onto RW, 'cause it's nowhere else on the web. Election fever is big here in the States. How are you and all of down under? --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 01:50, 2 November 2008 (PST)
:: I'm fine too. Classical guitar! Wow! I play chords on the guitar, so I know how hard classical guitar is. It's kind of fun practicing though. Cool, I'm glad you'll have some time at your hospital. My college year is ending up in two weeks - a few more essays and exams and then I'll be more free too - still have hospital work and church work though, but both are only part time. I've noticed Hebrew is really getting going on RW. It's looking really good. You must be learning a lot. I always thought it looked like a hard language - I mean, no vowels and reading right to left! There was an interesting article on the BBC the other day about some really old (possibly) Hebrew writing being found - it was a pretty short article though. I bet election fever is big. Good luck to whichever man wins and may God use him for the betterment of your country and the world. I think almost all Australians are betting on an Obama win - most of us over here like the idea of a black man as president, plus the Iraq war, which our government supported, was very unpopular here. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see who wins. I'm sure they'll both do a good job though. The weather starting to warm up down this way. Life is generally pretty nice at the moment. Not much is really happening around this part of the world. My son turned 1 a couple months ago and he's now walking, running, falling and kicking balls - lots of fun and lots and lots of energy. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 02:01, 2 November 2008 (PST)
::: Thanks for touching base. Does this mean you will join a practice somewhere? Hebrew is ''extremely'' hard (this from a man who went to high school in Korea, and had to learn the language). It's even worse to do it in mixed English, the left-to-right right-to-left mess is horrible. Obama's gonna make homosexuality and abortion 100 times more normal in America, though I like his oratory. Summer must be nice, it's all rain here in Seattle. My two year old and I answered the door for Halloween: it was fun. My four year old is Autistic and didn't get it. ... time to go find some EBD's! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 02:14, 2 November 2008 (PST)
:::: That'll be very sad if Obama does continue the normalization of abortion and homosexuality. Same thing is happening here, and also by leaders who consider themselves Christian. Sin seems to have dipped off the radar in many senses. But, luckily we're not ultimately called to fight culture that embraces sin; rather we're called to proclaim the good news and let God change the hearts of those who are seeking him. Or at least, that's how I see it. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 03:41, 2 November 2008 (PST)
::::: Yeah, I don't read anything in the Bible about "winning the culture" for Christ, only to hold back sin as much as possible. In the main, I fear the trend, because it's never enough to simply ''allow'' sin: those who are doing it want praise and acclaim from men so they can feel OK about doing what they inwardly know to be wrong. Case in point, gay marriage proponents are never satisfied with merely making it the law of the land. In California, a physician lost his license because he "refused to provide medical treatment" to a lesbian. Since that is how the media is reporting it, you might think he didn't do CPR because the patient was gay; ''he asked not to do IV fertilization on religious grounds'', unaware that she was a lesbian merely thinking her to be unmarried. As an M.D. I'm sure you can appreciate that. I think our children are going to have a much easier time distinguishing between the "Christian Culture" of the West and real Christianity than even we do! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 03:59, 2 November 2008 (PST)
:::::: That's a fascinating story. I can't believe a doctor got in trouble for that. Fortunately that would currently be impossible over here because doctors aren't under any obligation to be involved in any procedure or treatment that they consider immoral. Still, US states have a legal system based in English common law don't they? Thus if it's possible in California, then its' probably possible in South Australia I fear. --[[User:Graham grove|Graham]] 08:55, 2 November 2008 (PST)
::::::: [], [,2933,359041,00.html], [] '''North Coast Women's Care Medical Group vs. Superior Court''' is a case decided before the California Supreme Court on August 19, 2008, ruling that physicians must offer services to gays and lesbians despite religious objections
== Re:Impressive ==
It's my star sign Taurus the Bull, which means I stick with things to the end. [[User:Kathleen.wright5|Kathleen.wright5]] 23:32, 15 November 2008
==WikiChristian E-newsletter==
* Hi Robert: <br> I spoke with [[User:Prab|Prab]] over the phone about helping WikiChristian Admins and editors connect and share tips as they edit WikiChristian. We have decided to set up a listserv where Admins and editors can chare tips if they wish. <br> Here is a description: "WikiChristian is an e-newsletter connecting contributors, writers and administrators for WikiChristian the free encyclopedia and discussion forum of Biblical Christianity that anyone can contribute to." <br>If you would like to join our community of editors and content contributors and learn more about how to edit, <br>please sign up for our '''<big>[ Yahoo! Group here]</big>'''.
--[[|]] 21:11, 27 December 2008 (PST)
* Hi Robert. Will you be signing up for our "WikiChristian" e-newsletter? <br>please sign up for our '''<big>[ Yahoo! Group here]</big>'''.
-- [[|]] 20:07, 5 September 2009 (PDT)
== Hello ==
Hey there. It is nice to meet you. I'm new here. What do you do on here for the most part?--[[User:God'sGirl94|God&#39;sGirl94]] 14:48, 6 March 2009 (PST)
: Well, I'm kind of the nerd-guy! I made all the stuff you can type things like [[John 3:16]] or [[Genesis 1:1]] and see all the fancy Bible stuff. How 'about you? Do you attend a church anywhere? What are some important things for you about being a Christian? Is it hard to be a Christian on the Internet? --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 15:12, 6 March 2009 (PST)
==Romans 14 ==
It appears that BotUm missed out Romans 14 when updating all the Bible Chapters to the new template. Could you take a look at that please? - Probably take you and BotUm 1/10th the time it would take me. [[User:MatthewClarke|Matt]] 17:12, 4 September 2009 (PDT)
: Actually, my computer had died since I run the bot, so I don't have any of the old files. I could re-write the program, but I'm not near my computer at this time. If you haven't had a chance to fix this in three weeks, I can sure re-write it, but it will be that long! Sorry! --[[User:Aquatiki|Aquatiki]] 17:38, 4 September 2009 (PDT)