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496 bytes added, 07:55, 11 August 2008
Link Building vs. Link Baiting
==Link Building vs. Link Baiting==
Link Building (called link Ninja in a below article) is where you ask other websites to link to you and the advantage is that you can directly ask key websites to link to you. Also, you can control better what anchor text links are from websites linking to you. For example, if you have a canary article you want the hypertext that links to you to have the word canary in it. When link building you want to vary the anchor text to keep the search engines happy. So on 3 out of 4 some websites you might have the word "canary" when link building but on other websites you have the words "canary article" or "excellent canary article". If you are I am just starting out as far as link building and I would have 2 out am being conservative and just doing a handful of links of 3 be high Google PageRank value (please install the key words and the others be close to the keywordsGoogle toolbar here: Of coursehtml ) that are an exact match (for example, if canary). If you use a combination of link baiting and link building this is sho8uld be less of an issue. I plan on learning more about this issue. My guess is that you don't want to have a very compressed time period where you are adding links with anchor text that exactly matches your Google keyword (for example, canary) or the search engines will frown upon this (you don't want to get the search engines mad at you).
Here are some articles on the issue of linking building versus link baiting: