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Beliefs about purgatory

753 bytes removed, 13:33, 14 October 2006
Redirecting to Purgatory
''This is a hotly debated issue. If writing under an '''Definitions / explanations''' heading, then please be objective stating all the viewpoints. If you are writing under the '''Articles / opinions''' heading then please write your opinion as gently and inoffensively as possible. If you disagree with someone elses opinion, then please create a new link and write your own opinion instead of altering the other person's view''  '''Definitions / explanation'''* #REDIRECT [[What is purgatory]]  '''Articles / opinions'''* [[Some short comments on purgatory by different users]]* [[The problems with Purgatory, prayers for the dead and indulgences (By G.G.)]]  '''Quotes'''* [[Famous quotes about purgatory]]  ---- Return to [[The afterlife, heaven, hell, purgatory]] contents