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Carey Grant

144 bytes removed, 02:27, 20 March 2009
Christian Testimony
"Omar and The Howlers."
The Second, was a Break Out of Denial.
He had an Alcohol Addictionand had dabbled and drifted away from His roots with some other Philosophys and religions that left His heart empty and void.
After Fighting Depression, Anxiety and Bouts with Failure; He listened to His Mother; Who prayed someday He'd meet People Who could Mentor Positive Changes in His Life.
So, He Decided to Sell His Truck and Gear and Called A.A.
After He Agressivly Attending many Attended a lot of Meetings, and He was able to Get Back on His Feet. The Third Big Break happened in a Little Country Chapel one Spring Night, May 1990. While singing Hymns with some Christiansto Jesus.People sang and played gutiars.
Five or Six Songs later He Found Himself; Surrounded with an Incredibly, Awesome Peace.
This was where He found out that,
"The Lord is Real"!
This was where He First Met "Jesus".
Now,With through His new CD, "Free To Fly."This Boy, personally Knows The Lordown personal encounter with Jesus's Saving Grace and that The Lord is Interested in Every Aspect of Our Livesforgiveness He knows what saved means. He knows that Life is not Perfect and Always a Bed of Roses and . He knows That The Lord has given Him Some Amazingly Faithful, Amazing New Brothers Friends and Sistersa realisation of how important Family is. He knows that Sometimes People will Let You Down ... but The Lord will Not!He knows that inspite of that He Has to Keep on Keepin' on; following Jesus. Don't give up, The Lord will come Through for You."If You Seek, First the Kingdom of God is first in His life and all The Rest will Come to You.He knows that The Lord he has given Him a New Sence of Dignity and Direction in His Life.
Free to Fly's Raw, Spontaneous Sound is New Extention of Carey's Personality.
His Hope is that; through the Music You will Encouraged, Entertained and Touched.